Argento per Jessica Springsteen, la figlia del ‘Boss’ che ha trovato l’amore in Italia

Read More 07 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Jessic Springsteen, insieme alle sue compagne di squadra, si è piazzata al secondo posto della gara olimpica d’equitazione di salti a ostacoli a squadre femminile.

Coronavirus Italia, il bollettino di oggi 7 agosto: 6.902 nuovi casi e 22 morti

Read More VALLE D’AOSTA TRENTINO Anche oggi zero decessi per Covid in Trentino – sono 33 giorni continuativi – mentre sono 44 i nuovi contagi rilevati nelle ultime ore secondo il bollettino quotidiano dell’Azienda provinciale per i servizi sanitari. Si tratta di 15 nuovi casi positivi al molecolare (362 quelli analizzati) e 29 all’antigenico (3.378 […]

Pro-Israel, Jewish groups welcome Michael Herzog’s appointment as Israel’s U.S. ambassador

Read More WASHINGTON – U.S. pro-Israel and Jewish organizations from across the political spectrum roundly welcomed news of Michael Herzog’s appointment as Israel’s next ambassador to the United States, citing his diplomatic and military experience as well as his personal aptitude. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced on Friday that he had chosen Herzog, the brother […]

Knife Attacker on Tokyo Commuter Train Wanted to Kill ‘Happy Women’: NHK

Read More Police escort rescue workers carrying a person through a train station after a knife attack on a train in Tokyo, in this still image taken from video, Japan, on Aug. 6, 2021. (Reuters) TOKYO—The man alleged to have wounded 10 people in a knife attack on a Tokyo commuter train late on Friday […]

Students ask Supreme Court to block Indiana college’s COVID vaccine mandate

Post Content The Supreme Court is being asked to block a plan by Indiana University to require students and employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. It’s the first time the high court has been asked to weigh in on a vaccine mandate and comes as some corporations, states and cities are also contemplating or have […]

Sen. Mike Braun to Newsmax: GOP ‘Outmaneuvered From the Get Go’

Once the Senate passes the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., on Newsmax, says “buckle up, we’re in for the so-called soft infrastructure,” proving the big business of the U.S. government will show it is “run by the seat of its pants.”

Doctor nearly killed girlfriend in drug-fueled ‘exorcisms’: reports

Post Content An anesthetist in England performed 250 bizarre “exorcisms” on his live-in girlfriend, restraining her and pumping her full of a menu of dangerous drugs that nearly killed her, reports said. Hossam Metwally, 60, is facing jail time after he put 33-year-old Kelly Wilson into a coma and pushed her close to total organ […]