ICE will no longer deport illegal immigrants who are victims of a crime

Post Content U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced that the agency will no longer deport illegal immigrants who are victims of crime. “This policy update facilitates victim cooperation with law enforcement, enhances ICE’s criminal investigative efforts, and promotes trust in ICE agents and officers enforcing our laws. It is ICE’s commitment to assist victims of […]

House lawmakers may get Afghanistan briefings as soon as next week

Post Content Key House lawmakers could get a briefing as soon as next week on the critical security situation in Afghanistan as the Taliban continues its steady takeover of more Afghan cities, Fox News has learned. Lawmakers have been advised that the capital city of Kabul may fall sooner than expected, prompting the need for […]

Salvini difende Durigon (“è bravissimo”), ma la Lega teme il blitz di Draghi

Read More  «La sinistra chiede le dimissioni di chiunque un giorno sì e un giorno no. Fascismo e comunismo sono stati sconfitti dalla storia e nella Lega non c’è nessun nostalgico. Durigon è bravissimo, è il papà di quota cento». Matteo Salvini ieri sera ha difeso il sottosegretario all’Economia leghista Claudio Durigon, che in un […]

Israel tightens COVID restrictions on gatherings, expands proof of immunity scheme

Read More The coronavirus cabinet approved on Wednesday expanding the Green Pass proof of immunity program to apply to Israelis aged three and up, as well as limiting gatherings. The new restrictions will go into effect next Wednesday. Events in private homes or venues that are excluded from the Green Pass, which bars access from […]

As COVID bites, Israel abandons its retirement homes once again

Read More The government had enough time to prepare for another outbreak of COVID-19 at retirement homes but failed to do so. The headlines are once again screaming about an eruption at nursing homes, and the same failures are clear once again: results of coronavirus tests coming in slowly, difficulties in supplying vaccines and delays […]

Mike Pompeo pledges he ‘will never support’ critical race theory

Post Content Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo waded into the national debate over critical race theory Wednesday – slamming the idea of introducing the philosophy in U.S. schools. “No child should ever be taught to feel like a victim of circumstance or made to feel guilty for the color of their skin,” he wrote […]

Israel condemns Polish vote on Holocaust restitution, re-examines joint 2018 statement

Read More Israel is re-examining a 2018 joint statement with Poland, which rejected blaming Poland for the crimes of the Nazis and their collaborators, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said on Wednesday after Polish lawmakers passed legislation limiting restitution claims for property stolen by the Nazis during World War II. President Andrzej Duda will now have […]

Tsunami Warning Issued After Quake Near Pondaguitan in Philippines

Read More A map showing a 7.1 magnitude earthquake 39 miles east of Pondaguitan in the Philippines on Aug. 11, 2021. (USGS) An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck some 63 km (39 miles) east of Pondaguitan in the Philippines, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and the U.S. Tsunami Warning System issued a tsunami warning. The […]

Trump accountants must turn over some tax records to House panel, federal judge rules

Post Content A federal judge has ruled that multiple tax records belonging to former President Donald Trump must be turned over to Congress. U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta approved a subpoena Wednesday from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and said Trump’s tax records from 2017-2018, currently in the hands of the accounting […]