Taliban completes northeast Afghan blitz as more cities fall

Post Content The Taliban seized three more provincial capitals in Afghanistan and a local army headquarters completing their blitz across the country’s northeast and pressing their offensive elsewhere, officials said Wednesday. The insurgents now control some two-thirds of the nation as the U.S. and NATO finalize their withdrawal after a decades-long war there. The fall […]

New Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi appoints conservative Cabinet members

Post Content Iran‘s new president presented a Cabinet dominated by hard-liners on Wednesday, state TV reported, providing one of the first glimpses into the policies he might pursue over the next four years. The conservative cleric and former judiciary chief, Ebrahim Raisi, nominated hard-line career diplomat Hossein Amirabollahian to the crucial post of foreign minister […]

Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny faces new charges

Post Content Russian authorities have levied new criminal charges against imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny, part of a government crackdown on the corruption fighter and his beleaguered team ahead of Russia’s upcoming parliamentary election. Russia’s Investigative Committee said Wednesday it has charged Navalny with creating a nonprofit organization that infringes on people’s rights, a criminal […]

Addio feste leghiste, annullate Pontida e la Berghem Fest

Read More C’era una volta la lunga estate leghista, dove la bella stagione era scandita da appuntamenti politici carichi di simboli e aspettative, cerimonie laiche o anzi pagane del verbo padano. Poi, vuoi per la virata a 180 gradi del salvinismo – dall’indipendentismo del nord al nazionalismo – vuoi per il Covid-19, è finito tutto. […]

Incendi, due morti in Calabria e Sicilia. I sindaci accusano: “Roghi dolosi”.

Read More Non concedono tregua, né pause i roghi che stanno consumando la provincia di Reggio Calabria. Anzi, gli incendi si moltiplicano e mietono nuove vittime. Dopo i due agricoltori, Rita e Nino Cilione di Bagaladi, morti sei giorni a San Lorenzo nel tentativo di salvare il proprio uliveto, questa mattina, attorno a mezzogiorno, un pastore di […]

Terzo test per la portaerei Gerard R. Ford: l’esplosione in mare provoca un terremoto

Read More La Marina Militare Americana ha diffuso le immagini dell’ultimo “shock Trial”, esplosione controllata avvenuta a 166 chilometri dalla costa della Florida per testare la portaerei USS Gerald R. Ford. I “Full Ship Shock Trial” sono tre test – realizzati nel corso di alcuni mesi – che hanno lo scopo di simulare le performance […]

Caldo record: a Siracusa 48,8 gradi, mai una temperatura così alta in Europa

Read More Una temperatura così alta non era stata mai registrata in Europa. Questo pomeriggio alle 13,14 a Siracusa, in contrada Monasteri, a poca distanza dal comune di Floridia, il display del termometro ha riportato 48,8 gradi. Il record precedente registrato nel 1977 apparteneva ad Atene. Sempre in Sicilia, a Catenanuova in provincia di Enna, […]

Another minor indicted in Eilat gang rape of 16-year-old

Read More The prosecution indicted an additional suspect on Wednesday for his involvement in the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in a hotel in the Red Sea resort city of Eilat last year. He is the 12th person to be charged in the case. The 17-year-old suspect is being charged with aggravated indecent assault, […]

Denel aims to be sustainable within five years, but needs a bigger cash injection

Read More South African arms and defence-technology manufacturing company Denel has unveiled a five-year profitability turnaround plan that its interim chief executive William Hlakoane said on Wednesday would include the sale of non-core or non-profit-making assets. “We are determined to turn Denel around and repurpose it, while retaining the core capabilities required to meet South […]