Poll: Workers Fears of COVID-19 Falling

The number of Americans who said that fear of contracting COVID-19 was keeping them from working has dropped in the past month as vaccination rates continue to rise across the country…

Il Fmi promuove lo Ius soli: “I Paesi che ce l’hanno sono più sviluppati”

Read More “I Paesi dove vige un regime di ius soli tendono a essere più sviluppati di quelli che hanno altre regole”. “L’inclusione facilitata da opportune leggi di cittadinanza è un motore di crescita economica e un fattore per spiegare perché alcuni Paesi sono più ricchi di altri”. Raramente il Fondo Monetario Nazionale ha preso […]

Afghanistan, i talebani hanno preso anche Herat

Read More L’avanzata travolgente dei talebani impressiona il mondo. Oggi hanno conquistato anche Herat, terza città dell’Afghanistan. Ad annunciarlo all’Afp è stato un alto responsabile delle forze di sicurezza presenti sul posto. L’esercito regolare si è ritirato verso una base militare situata a Guzara. La conquista arriva dopo dopo la presa di Ghazni, appena 150 […]

Amazon restores free shipping to Israel, but only for some orders

Read More Amazon’s free shipping to Israel is back. Starting Thursday, some products on Amazon were available to Israelis with free delivery – on orders of over $65. Before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, Amazon offered free delivery to Israel for orders of $49 and up. For now, the products are mostly tech items, […]

Israel’s top court bars random drug searches of airport passengers

Read More The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the law does not permit the police to search a person’s body or luggage even at a border crossing point, in the absence of a concrete suspicion, overturning a drug trafficking conviction of a man who argued he was searched without authority. The law permits a […]

Shuffles, shocks and surprises

Read More Wednesday. Like many of my fellow South Africans, I’m wondering how long it will be before our new tourism minister, Lindiwe Sisulu, starts importing Cuban waiters now that she’s been moved from the department of human settlements, water and sanitation. Given Sisulu’s track record regarding issues around water, sanitation and human settlements, and […]

US firm Jacobs clinches R20bn contract for Koeberg engineering modifications

Read More US company Jacobs has been appointed to carry out essential engineering modifications as part of a R20bn contract to extend the operational life of South Africa’s only nuclear power plant, Koeberg, by about 20 years. The two-reactor plant, near Cape Town, generates 5% of the country’s electricity, and is operated by Eskom.  In […]

Recommendations for ConCourt appointments set aside, JSC to conduct new interviews in October

Read More The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) will conduct new interviews for Constitutional Court judges, after allegations that the initial deliberations to fill two vacancies at the apex court were compromised by blatant politicking. In a statement released on Thursday, the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (Casac) said the JSC had […]

‘Systematic failings’ in England’s care system as boy restrained in hospital

Read More Child protection ‘Systematic failings’ in England’s care system as boy restrained in hospital High court hears incident meant other seriously ill children had to be moved to nearby hospitals North of England editor Thu 12 Aug 2021 12.01 EDT Last modified on Thu 12 Aug 2021 12.30 EDT The “shameful” case of a […]