Ponte Morandi, la commemorazione a tre anni dal crollo

Read More 14 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/edizione/genova/ponte-morandi-la-commemorazione-a-tre-anni-dal-crollo-la-diretta/393910/394621&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> A tre anni dal crollo del ponte Morandi, caduto alle 11,36 del 14 agosto 2018, causando la morte di 43 persone, la cerimonia di commemorazione delle vittime. Presenti i ministri della Giustizia e delle Infrastrutture  Marta […]

Scuola, accordo sui tamponi e sulle classi pollaio: firmato il protocollo sulla sicurezza

Read More È stato firmato il Protocollo sicurezza delle scuole in vista dell’avvio del nuovo anno. Al termine di un confronto fiume le organizzazioni sindacali hanno trovato l’intesa con i tecnici del Ministero dell’Istruzione in particolare sul tema dei tamponi gratuiti per il corpo docente, sulle misure per evitare classi pollaio. Il  nodo Green pass […]

Groupon customers could be due cash refunds after UK watchdog warning

Read More Groupon Groupon customers could be due cash refunds after UK watchdog warning CMA says sometimes only credits were offered, and it wants swift change or court action could follow Sat 14 Aug 2021 02.00 EDT Customers of the deals website Groupon who were told by the firm they had to accept a credit […]

UK dog owners warned about thieves staking out parks and luring puppies

Read More Crime UK dog owners warned about thieves staking out parks and luring puppies Blue Cross cautions about black market for popular breeds as government reportedly considers new offence of pet abduction ‘World turned upside down’ as boy’s therapy dog stolen Home affairs correspondent @JamieGrierson Sat 14 Aug 2021 02.00 EDT Stalking parks in […]

Was Judge Koen wrongly accused by the chief justice?

Read More Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng appears to have crucified the wrong judge in accusing him of being “extremely rude” and terrifying his superiors during what the head of South Africa’s judiciary described as “one of the most unfortunate meetings judges should ever have”. However, records of the 2016 meeting Mogoeng refers to regarding KwaZulu-Natal […]