US troops start to arrive for Afghanistan evacuation as Taliban close in on Kabul

Read More Afghanistan US troops start to arrive for Afghanistan evacuation as Taliban close in on Kabul Thousands of western nationals and vulnerable Afghans to be airlifted out of country as insurgent forces draw ever closer to capital Staff and agencies Sat 14 Aug 2021 01.03 EDT US troops have begun arriving in Afghanistan to […]

Climate Activists Who Defaced Parliament Should Have Protested at Chinese Embassy: Aussie Senator

Read More Members of an activist group who defaced Australia’s Parliament House and the prime minister’s Canberra residence, The Lodge, during a protest, do not care about climate change but instead want to “radically change” Australia’s political system from democracy to communism, according to an Australian politician. Nationals Sen. Matt Canavan told Parliament on Aug. […]

DBSA inherits costly 1 Mil refurb headache

Read More The refurbishment of one floor 1 Military Hospital into a Covid-19 ward with beds for 50 patients and an intensive care unit was completed in 2020 within six weeks, at a cost of R151-million of which R11-million was the agent’s fee. The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) was appointed in 2019 as the […]

Maxi-risse, rapine e alcol: le notti delle baby gang che spaventano la Riviera

Read More CESENATICO (FORLì-CESENA) – Sono solo ragazzini: gruppi di giovanissimi dai 13 ai 18 anni, maschi e femmine. Si danno appuntamento ogni sera su TikTok per fare a botte tra Rimini e Riccione, distruggere vetrine, prendersi a bottigliate, spaccare ombrelloni. Il pomeriggio a dormire in spiaggia, la notte ubriachi per le vie del centro. […]

“Quelli di Robinson fanno scrivere ben due pezzi a me”: l’ironia di Saverio Raimondo

Read More Cerca un video 14 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Edizioni locali Bari Bologna Firenze Genova Milano Napoli Palermo Parma Roma Torino Supplementi Repubblica Archivio Diario Archivio La Domenica Affari & Finanza D – la Repubblica Il Venerdì Gedi News Network […]

Sul fronte Kabul con le milizie anti talebani

Read More Solo tre anni fa nelle campagne di Bati Kot, nella provincia di Nangarhar, i civili combattevano contro l’Isis insieme ai talebani e all’esercito regolare afgano. A pensarlo oggi, sembra fantascienza. Suileiman Sha Khpalwak è il governatore del distretto e il capo della milizia di zona, uno dei gruppi armati tornati protagonisti in Afghanistan […]

Thinner and Contrite, Samsung’s Leader Walks out of Jail on Parole

Read More UIWANG, South Korea—Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Jay Y. Lee, convicted of bribery and embezzlement, walked out of prison on parole on Friday, with South Korea’s president calling on the public for understanding over his controversial release. Broad support for his parole grew amid anxiety that major strategic decisions are not being made at […]