US prepares to house thousands of Afghan refugees on American military installations

Post Content The Department of Defense is preparing to immediately house thousands of Afghan refugees on American military installations, Fox News confirmed late Sunday. Documents obtained by Fox News show DoD plans to potentially relocate up to 30,000 Afghan SIV applicants into the United States in the immediate future. “The situation in Afghanistan may lead […]

Japan Marks 76th Anniversary of WWII Defeat; Suga Pledges Not to Wage War Again

Read More TOKYO—Japan marked the 76th anniversary of its World War II surrender on Sunday with a somber ceremony in which Prime Minister Yosihide Suga pledged for the tragedy of war to never be repeated. Suga said Japan never forgets that the peace the country enjoys today is built on the sacrifices of those who […]

“Portateci via”, rabbia e paura nella Kabul caduta in mano ai talebani

Read More KABUL – Kabul, addio. Se c’è un’immagine simbolica della fine dei venti anni di presenza americana in Afghanistan e del trionfo dei talebani è quella del ponte aereo che dall’ambasciata americana è andato avanti per tutta la notte tra il 14 e il 15 agosto e per tutta la mattina successiva verso all’aeroporto […]

Israel ignores WHO plea to stop booster shots

Read More The Israeli Health Ministry ignores the World Health Organization’s plea for countries to stop administering third coronavirus shots. In a response the ministry told Haaretz that the decision to administer a third shot was made after medical factors were taken into consideration and that inoculating Israelis with a third dose saves lives. LISTEN: […]

A year into normalization deal, Israel’s hope for geopolitical change fades

Read More It was a year ago when first media reports of an emerging normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates appeared. In late August 2020, the first official Israeli delegation visited the Gulf, and two weeks later, agreements with the UAE and Bahrain were signed at the White House. But a lot […]

Online voter registration hinges on constitutional court decision

Read More Subscribe to the Mail & Guardian and unlock this story There’s a lot more to it and we don’t want you to miss out If a Mail & Guardian story has ever informed your opinion, changed your mind or helped you combat fake news on that WhatsApp group, know that your contribution will help us […]

Taliban frees thousands of prisoners from former US base: report

Post Content As the Taliban took control of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, on Sunday, the terrorist group also seized Bagram Air Base, freeing thousands of U.S. prisoners, including some of the Taliban’s most hardened fighters and senior al Qaeda operatives. U.S. forces handed control of the airfield, located on the outskirts of Kabul, over […]

I talebani prendono Kabul e l’Afghanistan diventa Emirato islamico. Migliaia in fuga, al via il rimpatrio degli italiani

Read More Kabul è nelle mani dei talebani che hanno annunciato la rinascita dell’Emirato Islamico. La bandiera talebana sventola sul palazzo presidenziale abbandonato da Ashraf Ghani: la capitale è caduta in mano degli estremisti islamici dopo una giornata di Ferragosto convulsa e drammatica, l’Afghanistan è ormai tornato nella morsa degli insorti. Con l’entrata in massa […]