Swift Taliban takeover proves US and UK analysis badly wrong

Read More Afghanistan Swift Taliban takeover proves US and UK analysis badly wrong Joe Biden and Boris Johnson five weeks ago claimed Afghan government would not fall so easily Desperate crowds at Kabul airport as Afghans try to escape Taliban – latest updates Defence and security editor Mon 16 Aug 2021 13.04 EDT Joe Biden […]

Afghanistan collapse raises questions about Biden’s foreign policy prowess

Post Content As he battled a large group of mostly younger and more progressive rivals for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, candidate Joe Biden spotlighted his years of foreign policy experience, traveling the globe and meeting with world leaders as a longtime senator and Foreign Relations Committee chair and later as vice president. “We live […]

Pentagon leaders repeatedly praised Afghan army that collapsed in days

Post Content The Afghan military caved to Taliban pressure, losing control of the country in a swift and devastating fashion that undermined the praise American military leaders have heaped on them over the years. For years, American generals have claimed that Afghan forces were improving and developing their ability to handle themselves against the Taliban. […]

US Embassy flag flown out of Afghanistan amid chaotic evacuation from Kabul airport

Post Content Fox News has obtained an image of the U.S. Embassy flag being flown out of Kabul, Afghanistan. The embassy in the Afghan capital closed down on Sunday following reports that officials there were destroying sensitive documents and equipment ahead of the Taliban’s arrival. The Taliban now control Kabul and the rest of Afghanistan. […]

Afghanistan, all’aeroporto di Kabul persone si arrampicano sugli aerei per imbarcarsi

Read More 16 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/mondo/afghanistan-scene-surreali-all-aeroporto-di-kabul-persone-si-arrampicano-sugli-aerei-per-imbarcarsi/393993/394704&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Sono ore drammatiche quelle che sta vivendo la popolazione in Afghanistan. Le persone hanno invaso l’aeroporto di Kabul, prendendo d’assalto gli aerei fermi in pista nella speranza di lasciare il Paese dopo la presa del potere […]

Afghanistan, i primi rimpatriati a Roma: “In migliaia rischiano la vita, i talebani cercano i nostri colleghi casa per casa”

Read More “I talebani stanno cercando i nostri colleghi casa per casa. In migliaia stanno rischiando la vita. La situazione negli ospedali è gravissima”. È appena atterrato all’aeroporto di Fiumicino, insieme ad altre 70 persone, tra diplomatici e collaboratori, uno dei medici afghani, tra i primi rimpatriati in Italia dopo che i talebani hanno annunciato […]

Poland recalls Israel envoy, considers downgrading ties as row over restitution law deepens

Read More Poland said on Monday its ambassador will not be returning to Israel until further notice, days after Israel recalled its charge d’affaires in Warsaw, deepening a diplomatic crisis between the two countries after Polish President Andrzej Duda approved a controversial law that will restrict the possibility of restitution claims for property stolen from […]

Ahead of first meeting, Biden and Bennett try to dismantle a Jerusalem landmine

Read More Three months ago, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced during a visit to Ramallah that the Biden administration will reopen the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, which for years served as an unofficial American diplomatic mission to the Palestinians, until its termination by the Trump administration in 2018. Now, however, Israeli officials believe […]