Obama-era Afghanistan ambassador has ‘grave questions’ about Biden’s ‘ability to lead’ US

Post Content A former Obama-era ambassador to Afghanistan says he has “grave questions” about President Biden’s “ability to lead” America as the nation’s commander in chief following the stunning collapse of Afghanistan. In an interview over the weekend, former Afghanistan Ambassador Ryan Crocker questioned the president’s leadership capabilities amid the Taliban’s swift takeover of the […]

Taliban-run Afghanistan could prompt rise in terrorist threats, top US general warns

Post Content America’s top general said the United States could now face a rise in terrorist threats from a Taliban-run Afghanistan. That warning comes as intelligence agencies charged with anticipating those threats face new questions after the U.S.-backed Afghan military collapsed with shocking speed. Less than a week after a military assessment predicted Kabul could […]

EXPLAINER: Why Haiti is prone to devastating earthquakes

Post Content Earthquakes have been wreaking havoc in Haiti since at least the 18th century, when the city of Port-au-Prince was destroyed twice in 19 years. Saturday’s powerful quake killed hundreds and injured thousands more. Eleven years earlier a temblor killed tens of thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands. Haiti sits near the […]

Le immagini dei talebani che entrano nel palazzo presidenziale

Read More 16 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/mondo/kabul-le-immagini-dell-ingresso-dei-talebani-nel-palazzo-del-presidente-ghani-poco-dopo-la-sua-fuga/394012/394723&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Ecco il momento in cui i talebani sono entrati nel palazzo presidenziale a Kabul. Nelle immagini esclusive di Al Jazeera si vedono i combattenti che entrano nel palazzo, percorrendo i corridoi e arrivando poi allo studio […]

Fiumicino, l’arrivo da Kabul dell’aereo con gli italiani a bordo

Read More 16 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/cronaca/fiumicino-l-arrivo-da-kabul-dell-aereo-con-gli-italiani-a-bordo/394006/394717&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> In diretta dall’aeroporto di Fiumicino l’arrivo del volo KC-767 dell’Aeronautica Militare con a bordo il personale diplomatico italiano che era stanziato a Kabul e circa 20 ex collaboratori afghani assieme alle loro famiglie.