It began as a family joke – now it’s a multi-million dollar startup

Read More In recent years food has become a worldwide cultural obsession – mouthwatering dishes are posted on Instagram, fantastic birthday cakes are displayed on YouTube and star chefs appear on TV every evening. The numerous new lifestyle trends are gradually turning all of us into foodies. Our tastes and culinary preferences are also changing […]

Human settlements department robbed in alleged corruption cover-up

Read More Subscribe to the Mail & Guardian and unlock this story There’s a lot more to it and we don’t want you to miss out If a Mail & Guardian story has ever informed your opinion, changed your mind or helped you combat fake news on that WhatsApp group, know that your contribution will help us […]

La ragazza del video diventato un simbolo: “Noi donne bottino di guerra, non fidatevi dei talebani”

Read More 18 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> “Non credo alle bugie dei talebani. Ho 23 anni. I talebani mi farebbero sposare con la forza con uno dei loro combattenti”. A parlare è la ragazza afghana che in un video di 45 secondi, divenuto […]

The (very) brief history of dinosaurs in the Holy Land

Read More Two little girls, not very tall at all, gazed upwards. Above them soared a gigantic furry creature, hairy and brown, 10 meters (about 33 feet) high. It shook its head and opened its mouth wide. Far down his body, his hairy tail wagged. One of the little girls waved and said: “Hi mammoth!” […]

Israel to discuss further lowering age for COVID booster shots to anyone over 40

Read More Israel’s vaccination committee is slated to discuss on Thursday administering the third COVID booster shot to Israelis aged 40 and up, lowering it from the current 50. Last Friday, Israel expanded its COVID vaccine booster campaign to people aged 50 and up, the Health Ministry announced Friday, two weeks after a decision to […]

COVID vaccine: Israel ignores WHO plea to stop booster shots

Read More The Israeli Health Ministry ignores the World Health Organization’s plea for countries to stop administering third coronavirus shots. In a response the ministry told Haaretz that the decision to administer a third shot was made after medical factors were taken into consideration and that inoculating Israelis with a third dose saves lives. In […]

Johnson: UK Was Prepared for Afghan Collapse but Surprised by Speed

Read More UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has denied that his government failed to predict or prepare for the crisis in Afghanistan. Talking to a packed Parliament—recalled for a debate on Afghanistan—Johnson defended the longer-term withdrawal of troops, saying that the “hard reality” was that there was no will among allies to continue operations without […]