Che cos’è la sharia, il codice di condotta che i musulmani devono rispettare

Read More I talebani si sono ripresi Kabul e la prima preoccupazione ora per la comunità internazionale è cosa ne sarà delle donne, insieme ai timori per il destino delle minoranze, dei credenti di altre fedi e dei laici, degli attivisti per i diritti umani. Durante la prima conferenza stampa mai tenuta dal gruppo di […]

I talebani sparano sui manifestanti a Jalalabad

Read More 18 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Centinaia di persone hanno manifestato a Jalalabad quinta città dell’Afghanistan, al confine con il Pakistan e l’ultima a cadere prima di Kabul.  Secondo testimoni oculari, un gruppo di giovani ha issato la bandiera afgana su uno […]

Afghanistan, emergenza all’aeroporto di Kabul. “Donne e bambini picchiati” ai checkpoint talebani. In atto distruzione delle statue

Read More Terzo giorno dell’Emirato islamico. L’impegno per i diritti delle donne, controllate dalla legge islamica della sharia, lo stop alla produzione di droga e oppio, l’assicurazione che l’Afghanistan non ospiterà più combattenti di Al Qaeda e la promessa di non vendicarsi con nessuno. Sono i contenuti della prima conferenza stampa talebana che si è […]

Israeli gov’t overrules education minister: Kids to be vaccinated in schools

Read More Director General of Israel’s Health Ministry Nachman Ash signed a directive Wednesday that will allow schools to administer vaccinations during school hours, circumventing Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton who had previously voiced concern over in-school vaccinations. The directive is based on the Public Health Ordinance from the British Mandate period, whose Clause 20 authorizes […]

Facebook Continues Ban on Taliban Content, Twitter Permits Spokesmen Accounts

Read More Facebook has said that it will maintain its ban of pro-Taliban content under “U.S. law,” and that it was blocking WhatsApp accounts linked to the terrorist group, after the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan on Sunday. “The Taliban is sanctioned as a terrorist organization under U.S. law and we have banned them from […]

Patel hints Afghans crossing Channel will be treated same as other migrants

Read More Immigration and asylum Patel hints Afghans crossing Channel will be treated same as other migrants Home secretary suggests no exception for those fleeing Taliban who use ‘irregular’ routes to enter the UK Political correspondent @breeallegretti Wed 18 Aug 2021 04.58 EDT Last modified on Wed 18 Aug 2021 05.24 EDT Afghans seeking refuge […]

Chris Christie slams Phil Murphy over NJ Dem’s Italy vacation

Post Content Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had a few words to say this week about his Democrat successor, Phil Murphy, jetting off to Italy for a vacation with his family. “The fact that we’re sitting here in Morris County, New Jersey, and he’s sitting in Italy should tell you a little bit how […]

Taliban collect ammo guns from civilians after takeover: report

Post Content Vowing that they will not “harm innocent civilians,” the Taliban have started to collect guns and ammunition from Afghan civilians in Kabul, a report said. Reuters, citing a Taliban official, reported that the group said people in the city will no longer need to hold onto their weapons because they no longer need […]

R170m of Marikana claims settled, but legal wrangles continue

Read More Despite the government paying more than R170.7-million to victims of the brutal August 2012 Marikana massacre, it is still embroiled in a legal wrangle over the “once and for all” rule related to payment.  Fhedzisani Pandelani, who is based in the solicitor general’s office in the justice and constitutional development department, told a […]