It’s not just delta: The list of COVID variants is getting longer

Read More The list of coronavirus variants is getting longer, and some of them are making Israeli experts worried. This is a natural biological and evolutionary process that is hardly unexpected, and that demonstrates how complex and fragile a process it is to try to control a global pandemic. This week it was the AY3, […]

ANC begs staff to be flexible with their go-slow to help meet IEC deadline

Read More ANC general manager Fébé Potgieter has written to staff appealing to them to be flexible in implementing their go-slow protest to allow them to complete the processes of selecting candidates for elections. Workers embarked on the go-slow last month in protest against late salary payments.  ANC staff members in provincial offices and the […]

Q&A Sessions: Felicia Mabuza-Suttle, standing on the shoulders of heroes

Read More During Women’s Month, the veteran journalist, Felicia Mabuza-Suttle is paying tribute to the resilient women of South Africa and calling on them to remember that we are standing on the shoulders of heroes. The 71-year-old Mabuza-Suttle, who is now based in the US, tells Kelly Richards how she dealt with patriarchy in the […]

Cuomo files for retirement to receive state’s lifetime pension, report says

Post Content Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the New York Democrat who said he will resign from his position amid numerous sexual harassment allegations, has filed retirement paperwork that will allow him to receive $50,000 a year for the rest of his life, a report said. The New York Post, citing state laws, reported that “neither resignation […]

Planned Parenthood sues Montana over new abortion laws

Post Content Planned Parenthood of Montana filed a lawsuit Monday seeking to block four new laws restricting access to abortion in the state. The laws are set to take effect Oct. 1. They would ban abortion after 20 weeks of gestation; restrict access to abortion pills; require abortion providers to ask patients if they would […]

“In Afghanistan débacle storica degli Stati Uniti”. Biden sotto accusa anche in casa

Read More NEW YORK – L’accusa più grave a Joe Biden viene da un giornale amico, il New York Times: il presidente ha mentito agli americani quando, ancora poche settimane fa, ha escluso un tracollo dell’esercito afghano durante il ritiro Usa. Già allora, secondo il quotidiano progressista, il presidente aveva ricevuto dall’intelligence un rapporto di […]

Sprechi e corruzione: “L’esercito fantasma costava 750 milioni”

Read More Joe Biden nel suo discorso di “giustificazione” ha omesso un dettaglio non secondario: cessare le operazioni in Afghanistan per gli Stati Uniti significa frenare un’emorragia di denaro. «Ancor più se si pensa a quanti di questi dollari sono stati inghiottiti nel gorgo della corruzione», spiega Brunello Rosa, docente alla London School of Economics […]

La testimonianza dell’attivista afghana: “Devo nascondermi, ho perso ogni speranza per il futuro”

Read More 17 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Questa testimonianza arriva a Repubblica da Kabul. La donna nelle immagini è un’attivista di una Ong e negli ultimi anni ha lavorato per migliorare la condizione femminile nel suo Paese. Oggi è costretta a nascondersi perché […]