Afghanistan, appelli e liste speciali: la corsa per salvare 3,5 milioni di donne

Read More NEW YORK – “Salviamo la squadra femminile di robotica afghana che ha ispirato il mondo. Sono a Kabul, in trappola: sperando che qualcuno le aiuti a fuggire”. È l’appello – firmato dell’avvocatessa per i diritti umani Kimberly Motley insieme a Meghan Stone, presidente del Malala Fund – apparso ieri sul Washington Post in […]

Biden cuts vacation short, returns to the White House

Post Content President Joe Biden returned to the White House from vacation at Camp David Tuesday night, as he faces vocal criticism from both sides of the aisle over the chaos unfolding during the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden landed at Fort McNair at about 9:05 PM ET and took a motorcade back to the […]

Twitter Will Allow Taliban to Use Platform

Twitter will not be banning the Taliban spokesman from its platform.A Twitter spokesman, after being asked if the company would join other social media companies in prohibiting the terrorist group from using its website…

UN nuclear watchdog: Iran producing more uranium metal

Post Content Iran continues to produce uranium metal, which can be used in the production of a nuclear bomb, the United Nation‘s atomic watchdog confirmed Tuesday, in a move that further complicates the possibility of reviving a landmark 2015 deal with world powers on the Iranian nuclear program. In a report issued by the International […]