Escape from Afghanistan: Airline pilot reveals harrowing journey from Kabul

Post Content A Pakistan International Airlines pilot who flew one of the last civilian flights out of Kabul over the weekend is now opening up about his harrowing story of escape, reportedly saying that he feared his passengers and crew “could be used as hostages” if they stayed in Afghanistan any longer. Maqsood Birjani made […]

L’appello della prima afghana qualificata alle Paralimpiadi: “Aiuto, voglio realizzare il mio sogno”

Read More 18 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Zakia Khudadadi è la prima donna afghana qualificata per le Paralimpiadi. Il suo sogno di andare a Tokyo a giocarsi una medaglia nel taekwondo è però a rischio dopo l’arrivo dei talebani a Kabul. Così la […]

Inflation eating into savings after last year’s slew of interest rate cuts

Read More There are pros and cons to low interest rates; among the latter is the fact that people who have savings banked in South Africa today are losing about 1% of their value. The currently ultra low rates effectively mean that savers are becoming poorer, economist Mike Schussler said on Wednesday, after Statistics South […]

Biden’s entire national security team should resign: Rep. Andy Barr

Post Content A prominent House Republican is calling for the resignations of every individual on President Biden’s national security team as part of a reckoning for what he called its “disorderly retreat from Afghanistan.” In a Wednesday letter, Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky., specifically called out Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National security adviser Jake Sullivan, […]

US Moves to Cut Backlog of Asylum Cases at US-Mexico Border

The Biden administration on Wednesday proposed changing how asylum claims are handled, aiming to reduce a huge backlog of cases from the U.S.-Mexico border that has left people waiting years to find out whether they will be allowed to stay in America.

La conduttrice della Bbc viene interrotta in diretta tv dalla telefonata del portavoce dei talebani

Read More L’anchorwoman e corrispondente della BBC Yalda Hakim ha ricevuto lo scorso 15 agosto una telefonata in diretta tv dal portavoce dei taleban Suhail Shaheen durante il telegiornale trasformandola in un’intervista approfondita lunga 30 minuti. La Hakim stava presentando quando Shaheen ha chiamato quello che sembra essere il suo cellulare. In pochi secondi, ha messo il portavoce dei taleban in […]

Israel’s Bennett to meet Biden in Washington next week

Read More Prime Minister Naftali Bennett will travel to the United States next Tuesday to meet President Joe Biden in Washington, the Prime Minister’s Office said on Wednesday. This will be the first meeting between the two leaders since Bennett took office in June. Biden just won a major victory. Israel should pay attention Ahead […]