Top chief execs ‘paid more in a year than a UK worker gets in a lifetime’

Read More Executive pay and bonuses Top chief execs ‘paid more in a year than a UK worker gets in a lifetime’ Despite a fall in remuneration during the Covid pandemic, blue chip company bosses averaged GBP2.7m in 2020 @ByRobDavies Thu 19 Aug 2021 02.01 EDT The annual pay of FTSE 100 chief executives fell […]

Afghanistan, vincitori e vinti. Il nuovo Grande Gioco per il cuore di Kabul

Read More Il territorio afghano – non lo Stato Afghanistan, miraggio forse indotto dalla locale abbondanza di oppiacei – misura da un paio di secoli la temperatura dei grandi o miseri giochi che le potenze ingaggiano nel cuore impervio dell’Asia. Fossero gli imperi zarista e britannico, l’altro ieri, o siano quelli americano e cinese, con […]

The Israeli startup founded, funded and sold – all on Zoom

Read More This is the unusual story of a coronavirus-era company. It was founded, raised money and then was sold in a very short time, all during the global pandemic, and all on Zoom. “In April 2021, we informed the world that we had raised $4.3 million,” said Nadav Lidor, co-founder and CEO of the […]

‘Utterly shameful’: Labour asks if Dominic Raab should stay after Afghanistan delays

Read More Afghanistan ‘Utterly shameful’: Dominic Raab under pressure to go after Afghanistan delays Labour and Lib Dems say Boris Johnson has serious questions to answer over foreign secretary’s role and Matthew Weaver Thu 19 Aug 2021 04.23 EDT First published on Thu 19 Aug 2021 03.33 EDT Labour has questioned whether Dominic Raab should […]

Israel ends ban on blood donations from homosexuals

Read More Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz announced Thrusday that the ministry is scrapping a long-standing ban forbidding homosexuals from donating blood. In Israel, it is currently forbidden to take blood donations from men who have sex with other men in the year preceding the donation. Under the new decision, the wording that will appear […]

Thursday briefing: No American left behind

Read More Joe Biden says troops may stay in Afghanistan beyond 31 August … Cambridge sounds teacher training warning … mutton a nightmare for medieval monks Thu 19 Aug 2021 01.33 EDT Last modified on Thu 19 Aug 2021 02.28 EDT Top story: Biden defends handling of withdrawal Hello, Virginia Harrison here with the top […]

Spanish village tells tourists to suck up roosters and braying donkeys

Read More Spain Spanish village tells tourists to suck up roosters and braying donkeys Posters in Ribadesella warn visitors unhappy about reality of rural life they ‘may not be in the right place’ in Madrid @ashifa_k Thu 19 Aug 2021 03.10 EDT First published on Thu 19 Aug 2021 00.00 EDT Some called in to […]

Free childcare policy ‘damages life chances’ of poor children in England

Read More Early years education Free childcare policy ‘damages life chances’ of poor children in England Children miss out on early years education because their parents are low-earners, study says , Education editor Thu 19 Aug 2021 01.00 EDT Children from disadvantaged families in England are missing out on early years education because their parents […]

Julian Assange: A day in the death of British justice

Read More I sat in court 4 in the Royal Courts of Justice in London on 11 August with Stella Moris, Julian Assange’s partner. I have known Stella for as long as I have known Julian. She, too, is a voice of freedom, coming from a family that fought the fascism of apartheid. On August […]