Vearey hearing adjourned over Covid-19 scare

Read More The arbitration hearing into the dismissal of former detective head Major General Jeremy Vearey was abruptly adjourned on Thursday after it came to light that a  person in the venue had come into direct contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19.  Before the postponement, the hearing heard about the precarious relationship between […]

Makhura’s ‘unlawful’ directive caused Gauteng R42.8m in losses, says former CFO

Read More The legality of a March 2020 circular issued by Gauteng Premier David Makhura, which “caused chaos in the province” regarding Covid-19 procurement, is at the centre of a R42.8-million claim against him.  At a Special Tribunal hearing on Thursday, lawyers for former Gauteng health department chief financial officer Kabelo Lehloenya argued the circular, […]

US thought UK officials ‘out of their minds’ aiming for herd immunity, book says

Read More Coronavirus US thought UK officials ‘out of their minds’ aiming for herd immunity, book says Trump officials tried to convince him to take threat seriously and British experts ‘oddly pessimistic’ on defeating virus, says book in Washington Thu 19 Aug 2021 13.50 EDT Last modified on Thu 19 Aug 2021 14.29 EDT US […]

Guards at Kabul embassy told they are ineligible for UK protection

Read More Afghanistan Guards at Kabul embassy told they are ineligible for UK protection Exclusive: 125-strong team hired through outsourced contractor given informal notice they no longer have jobs @ameliagentleman Thu 19 Aug 2021 14.11 EDT Last modified on Thu 19 Aug 2021 14.29 EDT More than 100 guards at the British embassy in Kabul […]

Federal judge blocks Biden admin’s ICE rules that narrowed illegal immigrant arrest priorities

Post Content BREAKING: A federal judge on Thursday imposed a preliminary injunction on the Biden administration’s rules for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers significantly narrowing the categories of illegal immigrants being targeted for arrest and deportation – a ruling that marks the latest legal blow to the Biden administration’s immigration policies. Judge Drew Tipton […]

Washington, allarme bomba: evacuato il Congresso. Uomo mostra detonatore alla polizia

Read More WASHINGTON – La polizia del Campidoglio degli Stati Uniti ha evacuato l’area intorno a Capitol Hill in seguito ad un allarme bomba emesso dopo il ritrovamento di un possibile ordigno esplosivo in un camioncino fuori la Biblioteca del Congresso. Lo riferiscono fonti della polizia citate dai media Usa, secondo cui gli investigatori sono […]

Oristano, fermato il nipote per l’omicidio dell’ex sottufficiale dell’Esercito

Read More Svolta nell’inchiesta sull’omicidio dell’ex sottufficiale dell’Esercito, Paolo Fonsatti, 73 anni, ucciso mercoledì mattina a coltellate nella sua abitazione di Arborea, in provincia di Oristano. I carabinieri, dopo l’intervento dei Ris stamattina sul luogo del delitto, hanno emesso un provvedimento di fermo nei confronti del nipote Giancarlo Fonsatti, 56 anni, conosciuto come Renato, che  […]