Conte e i talebani, i “democristiani” col kalashnikov

Read More Rompendo il suo lungo silenzio dopo la disastrosa fuga degli occidentali dall’Afghanistan, Giuseppe Conte – nella nuova veste di presidente del Movimento 5 Stelle – si è finalmente pronunciato. La sua posizione è che bisogna parlare con i talebani. Avesse detto solo questo, non ci sarebbe nulla da obiettare: anche l’Alto rappresentante dell’Unione […]

Rt scende ancora a 1,1 contro 1,27 di una settimana fa

Read More Scende ancora e si attesta ad 1,1 l’Rt che la scorsa settimana era ad 1,27. L’ulteriore ribasso conferma una tendenza in atto già da alcune settimane (il 6 agosto era ad 1,56) e porta l’indice di trasmissione del virus vicino all’1. E’ il risultato del monitoraggio della Cabina di regia. Nessuna Regione cambia […]

UK embassy guards’ employer disputes minister’s claim of Kabul evacuation

Read More Afghanistan UK embassy guards’ employer disputes minister’s claim of Kabul evacuation James Heappey says Afghan guards will be evacuated but GardaWorld says only expat staff are involved and Amelia Gentleman Fri 20 Aug 2021 04.25 EDT Last modified on Fri 20 Aug 2021 04.26 EDT More than 100 guards at the British embassy […]

Il parco alpino che racconta i cambiamenti climatici

Read More Nella Valle Gesso un sentiero guida alla scoperta degli effetti dell’innalzamento della temperatura. Tutto intorno, i volontari rimediano ai danni della tempesta Alex. di Francesco Doglio L’archivio delle videostorie Gedi Watch

Iranian oil shipment to Lebanon poses new challenge for Israel

Read More This new unsupervised axis through the Suez Canal will be perceived as a Hezbollah accomplishment testing both Israel and Egypt ? The Israeli army’s love affair with psyops blurs ethical lines Aug 20, 2021 6:00 AM The impression of senior Israelis who have met with their American counterparts is that the Biden administration […]

COVID haunts Bennett at home, but a warm welcome awaits him in Washington

Read More The rumors are piling up that the new prime minister is sticking it to his ministers. Netanyahu, meanwhile, has found and old-new unvaccinated savior Aug 20, 2021 6:01 AM As someone close to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told me this week, except for the delta variant, things aren t looking bad at all. […]

Between Biden and Egypt, Bennett’s diplomatic efforts get a booster shot

Read More Though Bennett’s White House invitation was expected, the public one from Egypt is unusual ? Israel’s booster gamble seems to be paying off Aug 20, 2021 6:02 AM Toward the end of the week, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett plucked the first fruits of a prolonged behind-the-scenes diplomatic effort. Bennett was invited to visit […]

Cryptic Crossword 294 – August 20

Read More Subscribe to the M&G Thanks for enjoying the Mail & Guardian, we’re proud of our 36 year history, throughout which we have delivered to readers the most important, unbiased stories in South Africa. Good journalism costs, though, and right from our very first edition we’ve relied on reader subscriptions to protect our independence. […]