VP Harris leaves for trip to Vietnam, Singapore amid Afghanistan fiasco

Post Content Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday is leaving for a trip to Vietnam and Singapore, just as the Biden administration is grappling with ongoing chaos in Afghanistan. The trip to Asia includes stops in Singapore and Vietnam and comes after she traveled to Mexico and Guatemala in June. Senior administration officials said the […]

Biden’s Afghanistan speech panned for being ‘divorced’ from reality on the ground

Post Content Lawmakers quickly called out President Biden Friday for his White House speech on Afghanistan for not accurately depicting the reality on the ground. Among Biden’s claims that were quickly debunked was his assertion that al Qaeda is “gone” from Afghanistan. Just minutes later, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby acknowledged that “there is an al […]

Biden nominates former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel as ambassador to Japan

Post Content President Biden has nominated Obama-era White House chief of staff and former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel as U.S. ambassador to Japan. NAACP WARNS BIDEN OVER RAHM EMANUEL RUMORS “As mayor, he oversaw increased economic development that revitalized the city and helped solidify its status as a global hub of culture and commerce,” the […]

Roma, muore a 13 anni in una baracca di periferia: “Aveva mal di stomaco”

Read More Era allettato, in una piccola baracca con il tetto in lamiera e le pareti di compensato montana sul retro della ex fabbrica abbandonata, abitata da  150 famiglie rom perfettamente integrate con il quartiere  in via Melibeo, al confine tra Tor Cervara e La Rustica. Giovedì pomeriggio si è sentito male: aveva forti dolori […]

Volley, Francesca Marcon: “Non sono no-vax, ma il vaccino mi ha tolto il campo”

Read More Il suo messaggio affidato ai social, con una storia su Instagram, è deflagrato nel dibattito continuo tra vax e no-vax. Eppure con quel suo post, Francesca Marcon ha voluto sottolineare le problematiche emerse, secondo la pallavolista del Volley Bergamo, dopo la seconda dose di vaccino. “Non sono assolutamente no vax” ci tiene a […]

The problem with expecting traumatized Israeli troops to move on

Read More Seven years have passed since Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip, but that war still haunts Israeli society, refusing closure. During the past year, three events overlapped to underline the open and ongoing status of Israel’s wars: the state of emergency accompanying the coronavirus pandemic, last May’s operation in Gaza and the […]

Woman shot dead in 71st murder in Israel’s Arab community this year

Read More A woman was shot dead on Friday in her vehicle in the central city of Ramle, in the 71st violent death in Israel’s Arab community this year. Police believe the gunman, who fled the scene, may have lay in wait to commit the attack, meaning it was unlikely that the 28-year-old woman was […]

Pentagon admits al Qaeda has a ‘presence’ in Afghanistan minutes after Biden says they are ‘gone’

Post Content The Pentagon appeared to backtrack on President Biden’s implication that al Qaeda was “gone” from Afghanistan and admitted the terror group still has a “presence” in the region. BIDEN DEFENDS HANDLING OF BOTCHED AFGHANISTAN WITHDRAWAL, SAYS CAN’T GUARANTEE OUTCOME “Let’s put this into perspective here,” Biden said during a press conference Friday defending […]

Capitol Cop Who Fatally Shot Ashli Babbitt Exonerated: Report

The Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt during the Jan. 6 siege on the U.S. Capitol has been formally exonerated after an internal probe, says a police force memo obtained by NBC News. The officer’s name has yet to be released. What is known is that that…