Afghanistan, il primo sorriso dei bimbi in fuga da Kabul: “Ora siamo salvi”

Read More Una famiglia, un numero, un visto per una nuova vita. Tornare a respirare aria e non terrore. Intravedere un futuro. Herat è lontana, ormai. I vecchi sono sfiniti, dormono su un fianco per terra sopra pezzi di cartone, la mano chiusa a pugno usata come cuscino. I bambini non hanno sonno, troppe le […]

Afghanistan, allarme degli Usa: “L’Isis a Kabul”. I marines escono dall’aeroporto

Read More NEW YORK – “Non escludiamo di far uscire truppe americane dal perimetro dell’aeroporto di Kabul per recuperare chi è bloccato in città”. Lo ha detto ieri il portavoce del Pentagono John Kirby, rispondendo alla giornalista che gli chiedeva conto dell’avvertimento ai connazionali sul campo, diramato ieri dall’ambasciata Usa: “Non andate in aeroporto fino […]

Chuck Schumer mocked over Central Park dancing video with Stephen Colbert

Post Content Sen. Chuck Schumer was widely mocked on Twitter over a video of him dancing with late-night host Stephen Colbert at a New York City concert. “Back stage antics,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s press secretary Bill Neidhart posted Saturday at the We Love NYC concert. NEW ISIS THREAT IN AFGHANISTAN PROMPTED […]

Texas Gov. Abbott tests negative for COVID-19 four days after positive test

Post Content Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tested negative for the coronavirus Saturday, just four days after testing positive. “I am told that my infection was brief and mild because of the vaccination I received,” Abbott said in a video he posted on Twitter. “So, I encourage others who have not yet received the vaccination to […]

Kentucky gov suffers legal defeat in combating COVID surge

Post Content The Kentucky governor’s efforts to aggressively combat COVID-19 suffered a landmark legal defeat Saturday as the state’s high court cleared the way for new laws to rein in his emergency powers. The state Supreme Court ordered a lower court to dissolve an injunction that temporarily blocked the Republican-backed laws strictly limiting Democratic Gov. […]