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Hoover Institute fellow and human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali said Monday that President Biden’s decision to withdrawal U.S. forces from Afghanistan in the manner he did was “stupid, irresponsible and dangerous.”
Ali told “The Story” host Martha MacCallum since the killing of George Floyd, America seems to have entered an environment of “self-flagellation,” that America is “systemically racist,” and this led to the U.S. forces being unprepared to deal with the Taliban.
“We entered this rabbit hole of microaggressions and then make a decision like this one [Afghanistan]. It’s one of a macroaggression. The Taliban means business. They are really cruel people. They’re bad people with a terrible ideology. We’re not prepared for it because our Navy is being told to read Ibram X. Kendi’s ‘How to Be an Antiracist,'” Ali said. “This is the thing that we’ve been talking about over and over again the last few years. No one took us seriously. Now the world is looking at America, looking at this conflict, and thinking about good guys and bad guys. The Taliban are the bad guys. Look at the White House and what do you think? Tweedledee and Tweedledum. It is incompetence taken to cartoonish levels.”
The AHA Foundation founder then pushed back on the notion that America is a racist and bigoted country.
“It’s absolutely true that if you ask the average American, ‘should we get out of that war?’ They say, ‘please.’ Americans don’t want to wage continuous wars. When the calling comes, when they see these images, Americans will give everything they have to rescue, to resuscitate, to help. So this whole notion that we’re a racist country, bigoted, all of that,” she said. “Throw that out of the window. What is true and what is really alarming is the people we elected to run our government are totally incompetent. The general American public, everyone here, just wants this to end. They want to help as much as they can.”
Ali concluded by blasting the Biden administration’s exit strategy, adding, “It’s this White House that started it, it’s absolutely unnecessary. Seven months into their tenure there was no need to pull out of Afghanistan and no need to pull out of Afghanistan the way they did. That is a stain on them. Shame on them.”
Michael Quinlan is a reporter and video producer at