Amatrice, la messa per le vittime a cinque anni dal terremoto

Read More 24 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Al via la messa in ricordo delle vittime del terremoto di Amatrice, il borgo in provincia di Rieti che fu distrutto dal terremoto del 24 agosto 2016 insieme ad altri comuni di Marche e Abruzzo che […]

Israel says it carried out airstrikes on Hamas targets after balloon attack

Post Content Israel Defense Forces announced on Twitter Monday that it carried out strikes against Hamas targets in Gaza in response to an earlier arson balloon attack. “All summer, Hamas launched arson balloons from Gaza into Israel,” the tweet read. “In response to Hamas’ renewed attacks today, we struck a weapons manufacturing site, rocket launch […]

Capri, l’ambulanza diventa un taxi con sette persone a bordo | Leggi l’articolo

Read More 24 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> A Capri l’ambulanza può trasformarsi in un taxi. Soprattutto se è un modo più comodo per farsi dare un passaggio senza dover ricorrere ai mezzi pubblici. A postare diversi video e a denunciare l’accaduto sui social […]

Crolla una palazzina alla periferia di Torino, due persone estratte dalle macerie

Read More E’ crollata una palazzina in strada del Bramafame a Torino, poco distante da strada dell’Aeroporto, nei pressi della tangenziale per Caselle. Due persone che abitavano nell’edificio sono state estratte dalle macerie e portate via da un’ambulanza. Ci sono squadre Usar (Urban search and rescue) e cinofili al lavoro. Il nucleo Nbcr controlla possibili […]

Israel hits seven-month record in COVID infections

Read More Israel hit a seven-month record in new COVID infection, logging almost 10,000 new cases, Health ministry data showed on Tuesday. Over one million people have caught the virus since the pandemic erupted in Israel, and 6,864 have died from it – a figure 0.68 percent lower than that of the rest of the […]

Taiwan to Launch a Rocket from Australia

Read More Australian company Southern Launch will send a Taiwanese rocket into space in Australia’s first major launch since the 1960s. Taiwanese company tiSPACE will launch its Hapith I—a ten meter rocket—from Southern Launch’s complex, 680km west of Adelaide later this year. Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Christian Porter, announced the launch approval on Aug. […]

ANC branches protest as corruption charged councillors culled from elections list

Read More ANC branches aligned with the radical economic transformation (RET) faction in the party on Monday night staged a sit-in at the KwaZulu-Natal provincial headquarters, Seme House, over the removal of a number of their councillors-elect from the list. Some of the candidates were removed  in terms of the step-aside regulations, but in other […]

Harris rebukes China in major speech on Indo-Pacific

Post Content U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a sharp rebuke to China for its incursions in the South China Sea, warning its actions there amount to “coercion” and “intimidation” and affirming that the U.S. will support its allies in the region against Beijing’s advances. “We know that Beijing continues to coerce, to intimidate and […]