Woman filmed rising floodwaters in Tennessee, and seconds later was drowned

Read More Tennessee Woman filmed rising floodwaters in Tennessee, and seconds later was drowned 70-second clip shows Linda Almond, 55, trapped in her house on Saturday as a torrent of murky brown water rushes by outside @richlusc Tue 24 Aug 2021 11.37 EDT Last modified on Tue 24 Aug 2021 12.40 EDT A harrowing video […]

House Republicans want answers on whether exiled Afghan president embezzled $169M in cash

Post Content EXCLUSIVE: Afghanistan‘s exiled President Ashraf Ghani must be brought to justice and face criminal charges of embezzlement if he indeed fled the besieged country with duffle bags full of cash intended for the Afghan people, according to House Oversight Committee Republicans. Ghani hastily abandoned Afghanistan earlier this month as the Taliban marched to […]

Morto Charlie Watts, il batterista dei Rolling Stones

Read More Morto il batterista dei Rolling Stones, Charlie Watts. Aveva 80 anni. “Per una volta, il mio tempismo è stato leggermente sbagliato” aveva detto con una punta di ironia dopo l’intervento del quale non era stata specificata la natura. Watts aveva fatto sapere di aver bisogno di riposo e di non poter prendere parte […]

Meeting di Rimini – Talk ‘Il lavoro che verrà’. Pnrr e lavoro

Read More 24 agosto 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/economia-e-finanza/meeting-di-rimini-talk-il-lavoro-che-verra-pnrr-e-lavoro/394509/395218&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Il Pnrr e il mercato del lavoro, l’importanza del dialogo tra istituzioni europee e istituzioni locali e i vantaggi che l’essere parte di una comunità ampia e solida comporta in un periodo di grandi cambiamenti sono […]

Meron site chief tells disaster inquiry he wasn’t invited to preparatory meetings

Read More Eli Friend, manager of the Mount Meron grave-site of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, where 45 people were crushed to death during Lag Ba’omer celebrations last April, said on Tuesday that his control over the site was limited and that he had no role in the holiday preparations. Speaking to the government committee investigating […]

Police search quarry near York for Claudia Lawrence remains

Read More UK news Police search quarry near York for Claudia Lawrence remains Thirty-five-year-old, a chef at the University of York, disappeared more than a decade ago and Helen Pidd Tue 24 Aug 2021 12.30 EDT Last modified on Tue 24 Aug 2021 13.08 EDT Police in York are searching a flooded quarry for the […]