Ida Aims to Hit New Orleans on Hurricane Katrina Anniversary

Hurricane Ida struck Cuba on Friday as a rapidly intensifying storm that could speed across warm Gulf waters and slam into Louisiana as a Category 3 hurricane on Sunday, the National Hurricane Center warned.”The forecast track has it headed straight towards New Orleans. Not…

Psaki: Biden doesn’t want Kabul terrorists ‘to live on the Earth anymore’

Post Content President Biden plans to order lethal force against the ISIS-K terrorists responsible for carrying out suicide bombings that killed U.S. service members at Kabul’s airport, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki indicated on Friday. Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Psaki to clarify what Biden meant following his pledge to act against ISIS-K, the […]

Former Obama officials hammering Biden on Afghanistan highlighted in scorching RNC ad

Post Content The Republican National Committee (RNC) highlighted Obama-era officials hammering President Biden’s handling the botched Afghanistan troop withdrawal. The new RNC ad compiles clips of officials from former President Obama’s administration weighing in on the Afghanistan crisis caused by Biden’s hasty troop withdrawal. “Joe Biden is to blame for the botched Afghanistan withdrawal,” the […]

Il Cts dà il via libera all’estensione della validità del Green Pass a 12 mesi

Read More Come annunciato da Repubblica, è arrivato il via libera del Cts all’estensione della validità del Green Pass fino a 12 mesi. Adesso la novità verrà introdotta con un emendamento al decreto sugli obblighi legti al certificato verde che verrà portato in Parlamento per la conversione il 6 settembre. Sono due le tipologie di […]

Toyota Halts All Self-Driving E-palette Vehicles After Olympic Village Accident

Read More Toyota Motor Corporation President Akio Toyoda, arrives in their e-Palette autonomous concept vehicle to give his presentation at the Tokyo Motor Show, in Tokyo, Japan, on Oct. 23, 2019. (Edgar Su/File/Reuters) Toyota Motor said on Friday it had suspended all self-driving e-Palette transportation pods at the Tokyo Paralympic Games village, a day after […]

Fear and fury in Kabul as thousands face being abandoned by UK

Read More Afghanistan Fear and fury in Kabul as thousands face being abandoned by UK People eligible to travel but left behind tell of ‘hugely mismanaged’ rescue effort as airlift draws to a end ‘We feel hopeless now’: the British nationals left behind in Kabul UK Afghans and stranded relatives speak of anguish as time […]

House Dem calls Biden’s handling of Afghanistan ‘f—g disaster’

Post Content The Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a “f—g disaster” of “epic proportions,” according to Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass. “The thing that everybody needs to understand, even if you completely agree with the Biden administration’s decision to withdraw, the way they have handled this has been a total f—g disaster,” he said, […]