Top Jimmy Carter aide says Biden admin is ‘reminiscent of reliving’ Carter years

Post Content A former top aide to President Jimmy Carter says the Biden administration is “reminiscent of reliving” the tumultuous years in the former president’s administration. Les Francis, who served as the White House deputy chief of staff during the Carter administration, said President Biden seems unable to “catch a break” amid the chaotic, crisis-ridden […]

Statue of Confederate Robert E. Lee taken down in Virginia

Post Content A crowd erupted in cheers and song Wednesday as work crews hoisted an enormous statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee off the giant pedestal where it has towered over Virginia’s capital city for more than a century. The piece, one of America’s largest monuments to the Confederacy, was lifted away just before […]

Green Pass: Camera, Aula continua esame del testo

Read More 08 settembre 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Nell’Aula della Camera va avanti l’esame del decreto legge Covid che contiene le norme sul Green pass. Il testo, che dovrà essere discusso anche dal Senato, scade prossimo il 21 settembre. Rimangono da votare ancora una […]

Palestinian inmates set cells ablaze in Israeli prison after major jailbreak

Read More Palestinian inmates affiliated with the Islamic Jihad movement clashed with guards and set seven cells in Ketziot Prison on fire on Wednesday, as Israeli security services continue their search for six escaped high-security prisoners, focusing on the Jezreel Valley area. Five of the fugitives, all of whom have been accused or convicted of […]