Green pass, la Lega vota ancora contro il governo

Read More  La Lega fa il bis e stamattina, a Montecitorio, vota nuovamente con Fdi su un emendamento per l’esenzione del green pass fino a 18 anni. La richiesta di modifica del testo avanzata dal capogruppo di Fratelli d’Italia Francesco Lollobrigida è stata bocciata a scrutinio segreto con 137 sì e 268 no, oltre a […]

Ecco il treno a idrogeno che arriverà in Italia nel 2023

Read More Un treno 100% alimentato a idrogeno è stato testato in Francia e arriverà presto anche in Italia. Si chiama Coradia iLint, della compagnia francese Alstom e rappresenta una soluzione perfetta per le tratte minori. Si tratta si una vera rivoluzione è per l’ambiente: produce zero emissioni di CO2. E un treno a idrogeno […]

Zuma corruption case hearing postponed for health assessment

Read More The hearing in former president Jacob Zuma’s corruption and racketeering trial is to be postponed until 20 September by consent between his legal team and the state. The matter had been scheduled to be heard on Thursday 9 September, after a previous postponement because the 79-year-old had been admitted to hospital for a medical […]

These Afghans won the visa lottery in 2019 — now they’re stuck in Kabul

Read More Fakhruddin Akbari is allowing his full name to be published because he is certain he is going to die. Akbari, his wife and his 3-year-old daughter fled their home in Kabul, Afghanistan, two weeks ago. They’ve been hiding with friends in the city, living on bread and water. He should be among the […]

How Facebook undermines privacy protections for its 2bn WhatsApp users

Read More When Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a new “privacy-focused vision” for Facebook in March 2019, he cited the company’s global messaging service, WhatsApp, as a model. Acknowledging that “we don’t currently have a strong reputation for building privacy protective services,” the Facebook CEO wrote that “I believe the future of communication will increasingly shift to private, encrypted services […]

Post-Grenfell fire safety: leaseholders risk being fleeced, warns top adviser

Read More Grenfell Tower fire Post-Grenfell fire safety: leaseholders risk being fleeced, warns top adviser Exclusive: Dame Judith Hackitt urges people to challenge huge bills by insisting on second opinion Social affairs correspondent Wed 8 Sep 2021 07.47 EDT Last modified on Wed 8 Sep 2021 07.48 EDT Leaseholders risk being “fleeced” by profiteering landlords […]