Fox News Poll: Two-thirds think 9/11 permanently changed life in U.S.

Post Content As the twentieth anniversary of September 11 approaches, a Fox News Poll conducted before the recent events in Afghanistan finds that two-thirds (64 percent) of registered voters think the 2001 terrorist attacks permanently changed the way we live in the United States. A quarter of respondents say the attacks caused temporary changes (24 […]

Psaki defends not allowing charter flights from Afghanistan to land at US bases

Post Content White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday during a briefing that President Biden‘s administration is “not going to allow” charter flights with unvetted passengers from Afghanistan to land on American military bases, due to safety concerns. According to Psaki, the Biden administration continues to “press the Taliban” over the issue of evacuation […]

Covid, Biden vuole convocare un summit mondiale per affrontare la pandemia

Read More Il presidente Joe Biden ha in programma di convocare un vertice globale per rispondere alla crisi del coronavirus e aumentare la fornitura di vaccini al mondo in via di sviluppo, hanno affermato tre persone che hanno parlato a condizione di anonimato per discutere dell’annuncio in sospeso. Il vertice, secondo quanto riporta il Washington […]