Hate Crimes Against Catholic Churches Rise Dramatically
America has seen a significant rise in hate crimes targeting Catholic churches and Catholic leaders are frustrated nothing is being done about it. As of Aug. 24, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops recorded…
Richmond’s Robert E. Lee Statue Removed
A statue of Confederate commander Robert E. Lee was removed from its base in Richmond, Virginia’s capital, early on Wednesday after a yearlong legal battle over a monument that has been the focus…
Florida Gov. DeSantis Proposes $5K Signing Bonus for New Police Officers
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China chases ‘rejuvenation’ with control of tycoons, society
Post Content An avalanche of changes launched by China‘s ruling Communist Party has jolted everyone from tech billionaires to school kids. Behind them: President Xi Jinping’s vision of making a more powerful, prosperous country by reviving revolutionary ideals, with more economic equality and tighter party control over society and entrepreneurs. Since taking power in 2012, […]
Afghanistan, i talebani vietano lo sport alle donne. La resistenza: “Fermate il genocidio nel Panshir”
Read More Gli Stati Uniti sono preoccupati per la scelta dei nuovi membri del governo talebano e dall’assenza di donne, ma hanno detto che lo giudicheranno dalle loro azioni. Lo ha dichiarato un portavoce del dipartimento di Stato. Afghanistan, terroristi e nessuna donna: ecco il nuovo governo talebano 07 Settembre 2021 “Notiamo che l’annunciata lista […]
8 settembre: la rinascita di Paraloup, prima borgata partigiana
Read More La seconda resistenza delle baite che nel settembre ’43 furono quartier generale delle bande di Giustizia e Libertà: tornano a popolarsi per salvare memoria e ambiente. di Francesco Doglio L’archivio delle videostorie Gedi Watch
Coronavirus Italia, il bollettino di oggi 8 settembre: 5.923 nuovi casi e 69 decessi. Tasso di positività sale al 2%
Read More In leggero calo la curva epidemica in Italia: i nuovi casi sono 5.923, contro i 4.720 di ieri ma soprattutto i 6.503 di mercoledì scorso, a conferma di un trend settimanale in discesa di circa il 10%. I tamponi sono 301.980, 17mila meno di ieri, tanto che il tasso di positività sale dall’1,5% […]
No salary increases for finance commissioners, parliament hears
Read More Members of the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) will not receive a pay increase this year, meaning their salaries will remain at 2019 levels, parliament has heard. This emerged during a session of parliament’s standing committee on finance on Wednesday focusing on salaries, allowances and benefits payable to members of the FFC. The […]
Local government elections will be held on 1 November
Read More Political parties can go full throttle on their campaigning, including door-to-door visits, leading up to this year’s local government elections, but Covid-19 safety protocols should still be adhered to. Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma gave this green light for canvassing on Wednesday as she proclaimed a new date of 1 […]
Vast majority of fossil fuels ‘must stay in ground’ to stem climate crisis
Read More Fossil fuels Vast majority of fossil fuels ‘must stay in ground’ to stem climate crisis Analysis shows future is bleak for fossil fuel industry with trillions of dollars of assets at stake Environment editor @dpcarrington Wed 8 Sep 2021 11.00 EDT Last modified on Wed 8 Sep 2021 11.20 EDT The vast majority […]