Fauci: “Vacciniamoci tutti così torneremo alla normalità” | Carlo Ratti : “La ripartenza grazie ai Big Data” incontro con Maurizio Molinari

Read More 10 settembre 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/salute/dossier/festival-salute-2021/festival-di-salute-fauci-vacciniamoci-tutti-cosi-torneremo-alla-normalita/395674/396383&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> “Più vaccinati ci saranno e prima torneremo alla normalità. Anche perché non c’è solo il Covid-19. Altre pandemie arriveranno” ammonisce dall’ufficio di Washington, dove dirige il National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, l’immunologo e consigliere […]

Pantelleria, una tromba d’aria provoca due morti e nove feriti

Read More Intorno alle 19,30, una tromba d’aria che si è abbattuta sull’isola di Pantelleria ha provocato la morte di due persone e il ferimento di altre nove. La tromba d’aria avrebbe investito in pieno almeno dieci auto. I danni maggiori in contrada Campobello. La conferma arriva dal sindaco Vincenzo Campo che sta seguendo e […]

UK Government Has No Clear Strategy on Relationship with China: Lords Committee

Read More It’s “increasingly concerning” that the UK government doesn’t have a coherent China strategy amid growing tensions between the two countries, the chair of the International Relations and Defence Committee said. The committee’s new report, published on Friday, said that the deliberate ambiguity and the inconsistent China policies of the three most recent governments mean that there’s […]

Leaders Behind Tiananmen Vigil in Hong Kong Charged With Inciting Subversion

Read More A Hong Kong court charged three leaders of the group behind the city’s annual Tiananmen Massacre vigil under the Beijing-imposed national security law for subversion on Friday. Three leaders are currently being held in custody. Chow Hang Tung, a prominent barrister and the vice-chair of the pro-democracy group, failed to secure bail in […]

DC congresswoman bizarrely denies letting zebras loose

Post Content Zebras are on the loose near the nation’s capital and a local congresswoman is raising eyebrows by going out of her way to deny responsibility. Washington, D.C.’s delegate to Congress, Democrat Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, bizarrely denied letting five zebras loose from a private zoo into the city’s suburbs. Norton put out a […]