Terza dose, si parte il 20 settembre

Read More Le somministrazioni delle terze dosi inizieranno il 20 settembre. Lo ha annunciato il commissario straordinario per l’emergenza, generale Francesco Figliuolo, alla fine di una riunione con il ministro alla Salute Roberto Speranza. Sia Speranza che Figliuolo avevano già dato per certo l’avvio della seconda parte della campagna vaccinale, che ha avuto l’ok anche […]

Elezioni Napoli, il Tar boccia la lista della Lega e due di Maresca. Clemente riammessa. L’ex pm: “È la morte della democrazia”

Read More Elezioni a Napoli: bocciati i ricorsi di Catello Maresca e della Lega, si salva solo Alessandra Clemente. Il Tar ha respinto i ricorsi per le liste civiche “Catello Maresca”, “Catello Maresca sindaco” e “Prima Napoli”. Accolto invece il ricorso della lista “Alessandra Clemente sindaco”. Il candidato sindaco del centrodestra si trova così con […]

Israel’s border crossing to Sinai reopens without restrictions

Read More Starting Monday, the Sinai’s Taba border crossing will return to full activity, after being subject to many restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic. There will be no limit on the number of Israelis who can cross into the peninsula each day. The crossing to Egypt reopened in March, after being closed due to the […]

Israeli woman arrested by police after she reported assault

Read More A Tel Aviv woman was arrested, handcuffed and detained for hours earlier this month after reporting to the police that an acquaintance had assaulted her. She later claimed that officers mocked and threatened her while she was in their custody. The man had beaten her up in her own home and threatened her […]

GM Digs in With LG Corp. to Speed a Fix for Bolt Battery Fires

Read More General Motors Co. is taking a more direct role with South Korea’s LG Corp., its longtime electric vehicle partner, in tracking down and fixing problems linked to battery fires in Chevrolet Bolts that threaten the strategic plans of both companies. At an investor conference on Friday, GM Chief Financial Officer Paul Jacobson said […]

Vietnamese Man Arrested in UK Raid on People Smugglers

Read More Illegal immigrants walk to climb into the back of lorries bound for Britain while traffic is stopped upon waiting to board shuttles at the entrance to the Channel Tunnel site in Calais, northern France, on Nov. 19, 2020. (Denis Charlet/AFP via Getty Images) A Vietnamese man has been arrested in Birmingham on suspicion […]