Austin assures China new partnership with UK, Australia ‘not aimed at anyone’

Post Content Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin sought to assure China Thursday that the latest tri-lateral agreement between the U.S., U.K, and Australia is “not aimed at anyone.” “On the issue of China, let me just emphasize upfront – this agreement, this relationship is not aimed anything or anyone,” Austin told reporters during a joint […]

Federal judge blocks Biden administration from expelling migrant families via Title 42

Post Content A federal judge on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from expelling migrant families at the border using Trump-era Title 42 public health protections, which both Trump and Biden administrations had used to prevent the introduction of COVID-19 into the U.S. The Trump administration enacted Title 42 in March 2020 in response to the […]

Conference League, Roma-Cska Sofia 5-1: i giallorossi dilagano

Read More Seguici su: 1 minuti di lettura Edizioni locali Supplementi Repubblica Gedi News Network La Stampa Il Secolo XIX Gazzetta di Mantova Corriere delle Alpi Il mattino di Padova Il Piccolo La Nuova Venezia La Provincia Pavese La Sentinella del Canavese La Tribuna di Treviso Messaggero Veneto Periodici L’Espresso Le Scienze Limes Micromega National […]

Leicester-Napoli 2-2: rimonta firmata Osimhen

Read More LEICESTER. Vale quasi un successo il pareggio (2-2) conquistato in rimonta dal Napoli sul campo del Leicester, l’avversario più temibile degli azzurri nel girone C dell’Europa League. L’Inghilterra resta tabù e la vittoria non è arrivata neppure al decimo tentativo nelle Coppe. Ma Spalletti può sorridere per la personalità mostrata dalla sua squadra […]

Number of serious COVID cases in Israel falls to lowest number in a week

Read More The number of serious coronavirus cases in Israel declined to 654 on Wednesday, the lowest in over a week, according to Health Ministry data released Thursday. The R number, which represents the average number of people that each infected person will go on to infect, rose to 1.14, indicating that the current outbreak […]