Fauci flip-flop on vaccine mandate hammered in new RNC ad

Post Content FIRST ON FOX: The Republican National Committee (RNC) is releasing a new video hammering President Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci for his flip-flops on vaccine mandates. The ad, first obtained by Fox News, features several clips highlighting Fauci’s previous statements casting doubt on federal coronavirus vaccine mandates. “There’s no secret that […]

Green pass, la conferenza stampa a termine del Consiglio dei Ministri

Read More 16 settembre 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/dossier/coronavirus-wuhan-2020/green-pass-la-conferenza-stampa-a-termine-del-consiglio-dei-ministri/396156/396865&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> La conferenza stampa al termine del Consiglio dei Ministri che ha dato il via libera al nuovo decreto green pass. La diretta

Why are Israelis scared of Palestinian identity?

Read More The violent upheaval that embroiled Jewish and Arab citizens this past May generated increased public discussion of the feasibility of a shared Jewish and Arab society in Israel. During and after those events, prominent actors in various sectors – local government, business, organized labor, education and academia, and other public institutions – called […]

Israel’s ultra-Orthodox parties had a terrible year. The new one could be worse

Read More On Yom Kippur last year, Israelis prayed in the streets. Observing the social-distancing rules while the second wave of COVID-19 swept across Israel, synagogues remained closed. It was a sobering time, but the scenes of thousands of Israelis – religious, traditional and secular – joining together in prayer and song in unexpected places […]