La mini tassa per i super ricchi funziona: nel 2020 in Italia 592 paperoni stranieri

Read More MILANO – La mini tassa per i super ricchi continua a sedurre i paperoni stranieri. L’imposta sostitutiva introdotta nel 2016, che permette a chi trasferisce la propria residenza fiscale nel nostro Paese di pagare soltanto 100 mila euro in relazione a tutti i redditi prodotti all’estero, lo scorso anno è stata adottata da 592 contribuenti. A […]

Sisters pave the way with ecobricks

Read More Kekeletso Tsiloane has always been “very OCD” about litter. “I’m one of those people where, if I see somebody litter in front of me, I’ll pick it up and give it back to them to dispose of properly,” says the 28-year-old. It’s this awareness of plastic pollution that led Kekeletso and her older […]

Britain’s equality watchdog ‘colluding in denial of institutional racism’

Read More Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Britain’s equality watchdog ‘colluding in denial of institutional racism’ Exclusive: Former employee accuses Equality and Human Rights Commission of ‘racial gaslighting’ in letter sent to colleagues Legal affairs correspondent Sun 19 Sep 2021 06.19 EDT Last modified on Sun 19 Sep 2021 06.20 EDT A former employee […]

Ex-Inmates Decry Worsening State of New York’s ‘Hellhole’ Jail

It’s held disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein, rapper Tupac Shakur and ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn: New York’s notorious Rikers Island prison is now under intense scrutiny over the deaths of at least nine inmates this year.Officials who visited the high-profile jail…

US Authorities Accelerate Removal of Haitians at Border With Mexico

U.S. authorities moved some 2,000 people to other immigration processing stations on Friday from a Texas border town that has been overwhelmed by an influx of Haitian and other migrants, the Department of Homeland Security said on Saturday. Such transfers will continue “in…

Milano, il centrodestra rassicura Bernardo: “In mattinata avrà l’anticipo per la campagna elettorale”. Sala: “Io dai partiti ricevo zero euro”

Read More Le forze di centrodestra salderanno in mattinata l’anticipo di quanto pattuito per il sostegno economico alla campagna elettorale del candidato sindaco di Milano, Luca Bernardo. È quanto emerge da fonti della coalizione di centrodestra a Milano. Centrodestra Comunali Milano, Bernardo, candidato del centrodestra, avverte gli alleati: “O mi date i soldi per la […]

Green Pass, Giorgetti: “Estenderlo serve ad aumentare la libertà”. Letta: “Salvini su questi temi è totalmente irrilevante”

Read More Con la Lega spaccata sul Green Pass, Salvini sbanda sotto il fuoco incrociato delle critiche sia esterne che interne. Questa mattina infatti il segretario del Pd Enrico Letta dalla Calabria ha attaccato il segretario leghista, accusandolo di fare opposizione, peraltro inutilmente. Mentre il ministro dello Sviluppo economico Giancarlo Giorgetti ha elogiato la certificazione […]

Faccia a faccia tra Maurizio Molinari, il ministro Garavaglia, Cirio e Petrini

Read More 19 settembre 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> I fatti della giornata, l’informazione enogastronomica, il futuro del turismo e non solo, in un dibattito con Maurizio Molinari, direttore della Repubblica e il presidente della regione Piemonte, Alberto Cirio. Partecipano anche Carlo Petrini, fondatore di […]

Unvaccinated Israelis driving September apex in serious COVID cases

Read More Over the past two days Israel has experienced the highest numbers of serious cases of COVID since the beginning of September. The data from the Health Ministry shows that the rise in serious cases is significantly higher among non-vaccinated individuals, with the unvaccinated making up 74 percent of cases on Saturday. On Sunday, […]

No wonder Christians, Muslims and Jews fell in love with this ancient site

Read More Everyone loves Zippori. Even today you can still feel the culture, the grandeur, the power of wealth there. This hill in the Lower Galilee has seen countless incarnations during its existence and is still one of the most fascinating places in the country. Zippori’s inhabitants were no great heroes. They just wanted to […]