Jimmy Greaves, former England striker and World Cup winner, dies aged 81

Read More Soccer Jimmy Greaves, former England striker and World Cup winner, dies aged 81 Recognised as one of most natural finishers of his generationTottenham icon suffered a severe stroke in May 2015 Sun 19 Sep 2021 05.16 EDT Last modified on Sun 19 Sep 2021 05.24 EDT Jimmy Greaves, feted as one of England’s […]

Texas doctor claims state’s new abortion law is illegal, says he has already violated it

Post Content A Texas doctor claimed Saturday that he has deliberately violated the state’s new abortion law in order to help test whether it’s legal. Alan Braid, an obstetrician-gynecologist in San Antonio, explained his actions in an essay published in The Washington Post. Braid writes that he understands “there could be legal consequences” because of […]

Festival di Limes a Trieste: Medioceano, l’Italia e le sfide del mare

Read More A Trieste la seconda edizione de ‘Le giornate del mare’, dedicata all’analisi geopolitica del Mediterraneo e della sua valenza come connettore fra Indo-Pacifico e Atlantico, lungo l’asse che corre per gli stretti di Gibilterra, Suez e Bab al-Mandab. Con Lucio Caracciolo, Dario Fabbri e tutte le firme della rivista italiana di geopolitica. Tra […]

SpaceX, i primi quattro turisti spaziali ammarati al largo della Florida

Read More 19 settembre 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/tecnologia/techspeak/spacex-i-primi-quattro-turisti-spaziali-ammarati-al-largo-della-florida/396375/397084&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> I quattro ‘turisti spaziali’ a bordo della SpaceX sono ammarrati nell’oceano Atlantico, al largo delle coste della Florida, dopo tre giorni nello spazio. Coronata da successo la prima missione orbitale in cui non ci sono stati […]

‘Persuasion first, violence later’: the Taliban’s new vice and virtue approach

Read More The ObserverAfghanistan ‘Persuasion first, violence later’: the Taliban’s new vice and virtue approach In his first interview with western media, Kandahar’s enforcer promises that things will be different from the brutal 1990s and Abdul Rauf Wafa in Kandahar Sun 19 Sep 2021 02.45 EDT Mawlawi Mohammad Shebani is officially in charge of policing […]

British gangs and international rivals join forces to increase cocaine sales

Read More The ObserverDrugs trade British gangs and international rivals join forces to increase cocaine sales Analysis by National Crime Agency finds more than 1,700 UK criminal groups involved in drug supply @townsendmark Sun 19 Sep 2021 03.15 EDT Last modified on Sun 19 Sep 2021 03.16 EDT British organised crime groups are collaborating closely […]

Huguenots, Jews, Bengalis … now developers size up London’s Brick Lane

Read More The ObserverFocus Huguenots, Jews, Bengalis … now developers size up London’s Brick Lane Locals, hipsters and councillors are at odds over glossy plans to revamp the Truman Brewery in London’s East End enclave @harrietsherwood Sun 19 Sep 2021 02.00 EDT For more than 300 years, it was the industrial heart of Brick Lane […]

Universal credit cut will push 800,000 people into poverty, Boris Johnson warned

Read More The ObserverUniversal credit Universal credit cut will push 800,000 people into poverty, Boris Johnson warned Senior Tories plot to force government U-turn and Toby Helm Sun 19 Sep 2021 02.00 EDT Boris Johnson is warned today that more than 800,000 people risk being plunged into poverty as a result of an imminent cut […]

If the inflation-driving supply strain in the US lasts, it could put SA in a chokehold

Read More Consumer prices in the US eased in August, soothing concerns that changes to the US Federal Reserve’s monetary policy would rip through global financial markets.  For now, South Africa’s economy will probably hold strong against the dialing back of policy stimulus measures in the US. But, if the inflation-driving supply chokeholds in that […]