Biden administration doubles refugee admissions target to 125K

Post Content The State Department is proposing to double the number of refugees that will be admitted into the United States. “The Report to Congress recommends an increase in the refugee admissions target from 62,500 in Fiscal Year 2021 to 125,000 in Fiscal Year 2022 to address needs generated by humanitarian crises around the globe,” […]

ISIS claims responsibility for Afghanistan bombings in Jalalabad that targeted Taliban

Post Content ISIS-K has claimed responsibility for a number of bomings in Jalalabad that it says specifically targeted the Taliban as tensions between the two groups continue to intensify. The Islamic State claimed responsibility through its Amaq News Agency for six explosions caused by improvised explosive devices (IED) on Saturday and Sunday. The explosions killed […]

Frosinone, spari in carcere. Il capo del Dap: “Pistola recapitata con un drone”

Read More Un drone. Un detenuto del carcere di Frosinone è riuscito a ottenere a una pistola grazie a un velivolo senza pilota e ha usato subito quell’arma per far fuoco contro le celle di tre albanesi e napoletani che tre giorni prima lo avevano picchiato. Il giallo è stato svelato dal Dipartimento dell’amministrazione penitenziaria […]

One shot dead, five wounded in shooting in Israeli Arab city

Read More One person was killed and five injured after a man opened fire at a wedding in the central city of Taibeh, as gun violence continues to rage in Israel’s Arab communities. A 25-year-old was killed after being evacuated to Meir Hospital in Kfar Sava while medics performed resuscitation techniques. Another man was moderately […]

Defense Chief Orders New Review of Mistaken US Drone Strike

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered a senior-level review of the investigation that found that 10 Afghan civilians, including seven children, were killed in an Aug. 29 U.S. drone strike in Kabul that the Pentagon initially said had killed an Islamic State fighter….