26 governors demand Biden meeting over border crisis

Post Content More than two dozen Republican governors are demanding a meeting with President Biden to address securing America’s borders, saying the illegal immigration surge under the current administration has created an “international humanitarian crisis.” A letter released Monday signed by 26 Republican governors, including Doug Ducey of Arizona, Ron DeSantis of Florida, and Greg […]

In pensione prima con la Super Ape sociale: così il governo punta a sostituire Quota 100

Read More Roma. Prende corpo il progetto di allargare l’Ape sociale e renderla strutturale, come forma per anticipare la pensione dopo la fine di Quota 100, il prossimo 31 dicembre, almeno per gli impieghi più duri. La commissione sui lavori gravosi — istituita dal governo Gentiloni all’inizio del 2018, mai operativa fino alla primavera scorsa […]

DA insists IEC favoured the ANC after Constitutional Court dismisses application

Read More The Democratic Alliance on Monday insisted the Electoral Commission of South Africa’s (IEC’s) decision to reopen candidate registration was a political favour to the governing party, after the Constitutional Court dismissed its application to declare the move unlawful. The ruling was widely expected after the court at the weekend published its reasoning for […]

One of the biggest, most competitive, GOP Senate primaries gets even bigger

Post Content Another Republican candidate is jumping into the 2022 race to succeed retiring Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, which is one of the most crowded and combustible GOP Senate primaries in the country. Ohio state Sen. Matt Dolan on Monday announced his candidacy, charging that “Ohio is under attack by the socialist agenda […]