iPhone 13, la prova in anteprima: riprese da film e batteria super

Read More Quattro modelli, diversi in tutto eppure simili nell’esperienza d’uso: dal più piccolo al più grande, li abbiamo provati e vi raccontiamo come sono fatti e come funzionano i nuovi smartphone Apple in vendita dal 24 settembre. Hanno più memoria, sono più potenti, fanno foto migliori. E sono perfetti per i filmati, con una […]

New clean fuel standards could be the end of refineries and lead to job losses

Read More South Africa has lagged behind other countries when it comes to clean fuel but new emission limits gazetted this year are about to change that.  Although it is a positive move for the country’s air quality and people’s health, the new limits will have far reaching consequences for the fuel sector with thousands […]

Africa in brief: 11-18 September

Read More Way more jabs lost than reported South African pharmaceutical company Aspen Pharmacare was forced to destroy 30-million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Covid-19 vaccine earlier this year – not two-million, as originally reported. This was revealed by the chair of the African Vaccine Delivery Alliance, Dr Ayoade Olatunbosun-Alakija, this week. The South […]