Amid Haitian migrant wave, UN refugee agency condemns ‘mass expulsions’

Post Content Amid a massive Haitian migrant wave that saw more than 14,000 migrants camped under a bridge at one point last week, the United Nations is demanding an end to “mass expulsions of individuals” and that the Biden administration end Title 42. “I was shocked by images of the deplorable conditions beneath the concrete […]

House Freedom Caucus calls on GOP to oppose Defense Authorization Act over female draft

Post Content The conservative House Freedom Caucus urged Republicans on Tuesday to oppose the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) because of an amendment in the bill that requires women to register for the draft. “President Biden and his Administration must be held accountable for the devastating failures during the withdrawal of Afghanistan,” the caucus […]

Republicans stand by Border Patrol amid false Democratic ‘whipping’ attacks

Post Content Several Republican lawmakers are standing by Border Patrol agents amid false claims from Democrats that the agents used whips on Haitian migrants attempting to cross the border illegally. Texas GOP Rep. August Pfluger blasted the accusations from Democrats and media members. He remarked in a Tuesday email to Fox News that Department of […]

I Talebani chiedono di parlare all’Assemblea Onu

Read More I Talebani hanno chiesto di parlare all’Assemblea generale dell’Onu in corso a New York, secondo quanto riferisce la Reuters sul suo sito. In una lettera al segretario generale Antonio Guterres, il ministro degli Esteri dei Talebani, Amir Khan Muttaqi, ha chiesto di prendere la parola nel consesso internazionale. I Talebani hanno anche nominato […]

Israeli banks are rating us, and most of us don’t even know about it

Read More It has been more than a year since the implementation of one of the biggest social and economic changes in Israel, and most Israelis still have no clue about how this is supposed to affect their future – whether it’s under their control or not. The establishment of the credit information database at […]