“Giusè, quanto sei bono”: in Calabria le urla delle sostenitrici di Conte

Read More 21 settembre 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/dossier/elezioni-amministrative-2021/and-8220vorrei-essere-al-posto-della-tua-fidanzata-and-8221-conte-viene-accolto-cosi-da-una-sostenitrice-a-rossano/396583/397293&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> “Giuse’ quanto sei bono”. Più che da leader politico dei 5s, l’ex premier Giuseppe Conte in Calabria sembra fare breccia come sex symbol. O almeno, questo sembra aver scaldato gli animi a Corigliano-Rossano, dove una donna […]

With its industrial base decimated, SA’s economy needs real change — Godongwana

Read More Industrialisation must be at the centre of South Africa’s development agenda, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has said. “Over the years, South Africa has experienced significant deindustrialisation,” the minister said at a book launch on Tuesday afternoon, noting that the manufacturing sector’s contribution to GDP had shrunk from 22% in the early 1990s to […]

Down Syndrome Issue at Center of Missouri Abortion Law Case

A federal appeals court is deciding the fate of a Missouri law that puts sweeping restrictions on abortions, and a focal point of oral arguments on Tuesday was a provision prohibiting abortions based solely on a Down syndrome diagnosis.The law adopted in 2019 would ban…