Caso Puigdemont, il sollievo del governo italiano: evitato un caso internazionale

Read More ROMA – Il sentimento più diffuso nel governo, a fine giornata, è il sollievo. La soddisfazione per il fatto che la vicenda Puigdemont si sia chiusa nel giro di poche ore, con il riconoscimento della legittimità di un arresto deciso ufficialmente in piena autonomia dalla polizia di frontiera di Alghero ma anche con […]

Newsom signs bill replacing the word ‘alien’ in California legal code

Post Content California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a Democrat-backed bill on Friday that will remove the term “alien” to describe migrants in the state’s legal code. Introduced by Democratic California State Assemblymember Luz Rivas, the bill replaces “alien” with terms such as “noncitizen” and “immigrant” throughout state law. The term “alien” was used in California […]

Mexico asks Israel to extradite NSO linked official

Read More Mexico has sent a letter to Israel’s government urging it to facilitate the extradition of a former Mexican official in charge of a controversial investigation into the disappearance of 43 student teachers seven years ago, a senior official said on Friday. Tomas Zeron, former head of Mexico’s criminal investigation agency, has since last […]

GOP Maricopa County audit confirms Biden 2020 victory in Arizona

Post Content Arizona Republicans concluded their audit of the 2020 presidential election Friday and said in a letter to the Attorney General that the review’s overall tally matched results from November. “Truth is truth, numbers are numbers,” Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said at a Senate hearing on the review from Maricopa County, which found […]

Beto O’Rourke rips Biden response to Haitian migrant crisis in scathing op-ed

Post Content Democratic former Texas congressman and presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke ripped the Biden administration’s decision to expel thousands of Haitian refugees in a scathing op-ed on Friday, accusing the president and his advisors of failing to anticipate a crisis that was “years in the making.” The op-ed for El Paso Matters cited several recent […]

Back in Haiti, Expelled Migrants Plan to Flee Again

You’re lucky, the U.S. officials said. “You’re going to see your family.”The authorities had called out numbers corresponding to raffle-like tickets the Haitians had been issued when they were detained after crossing the border into Texas. As each number was called, another…