Israeli PM slams ‘woke’ opponents in push to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons

Post Content Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called on the international community to join him in preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, thanked old and new allies for standing by the Jewish state, and chastised those who oppose Israel out of ignorance. Addressing the United Nations General Assembly for the first time since taking […]

German elections: Big setback for Merkel’s conservatives as center-left party comes out on top

Post Content Germany’s center-left Social Democrats narrowly defeated outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel‘s center-right bloc in national elections, giving them the edge in the hard fought race to determine who will succeed the leader of the European Union‘s strongest economy and most populous country. While there were no big winners in Sunday’s elections, there was a […]

Colloquia, Accademia dei Lincei: Gioventù nella Diplomazia Scientifica

Read More I Colloquia on Science Diplomacy dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, in collaborazione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, le Organizzazioni Internazionali e le Rappresentanze Diplomatiche estere in Italia, promuovono i valori della Diplomazia e della Scienza nelle relazioni internazionali, come principi fondamentali da perseguire nel modus operandi e nel modus […]

South Korean President Suggests Banning Dog Meat

Read More South Korea’s president on Monday floated the idea of imposing a ban on eating dog meat, a traditional yet controversial practice decried by animal rights activists but defended by farmers who want to retain the right to raise dogs as livestock. The remarks from South Korean President Moon Jae-in came after he was briefed […]

Officials implicated in arts council mismanagement will be brought to book — Mthethwa

Read More Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa on Monday vowed to ensure that those implicated in the mismanagement of millions of rand meant to benefit artists through the presidential employment stimulus programme (Pesp) were brought to book. “We want each and every cent of that R285-million to go back to artists as intended. […]

Vaccination Deadline Arrives for NY Healthcare Workers

The deadline for hospital and nursing home workers in New York state to be vaccinated against COVID-19 arrived Monday with the prospect of severe staff shortages fueled by workers getting suspended or fired for refusing to be inoculated.