US Warns Americans Fake Pills Contain Deadly Fentanyl

US authorities on Monday warned Americans to not buy prescription pills online because they increasingly include lethal doses of fentanyl and methamphetamine.The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said the advice applied to counterfeit medicine made to look like real…

Generali, il board si spacca: via libera a maggioranza alla lista del cda

Read More Roma – Prosegue la battaglia per il controllo del gruppo Generali. Come da previsioni, il consiglio di amministrazione si è spaccato e soltanto a maggioranza ha dato il via libera alla presentazione di una propria lista per il rinnovo del board. E’ quella che in gergo tecnico viene definita una lista del cda: […]

Hamas explosives meant for attacks in Israel found in West Bank

Read More Explosives belonging to a Hamas cell were found in the village of Kafr Bidu near Ramallah in the West Bank on Monday, and according to defense officials they were meant to be used to carry out attacks in Israel. Israeli security forces are still searching for additional Hamas members suspected of planning attacks […]

Some Apple, Tesla Suppliers Suspend Production in China Amid Power Pinch

Read More Several Apple Inc. and Tesla Inc. suppliers have suspended production at some Chinese factories for a number of days to comply with tighter energy consumption policies, putting supply chains at risk in the peak season for electronics goods. Two major Taiwanese chipmakers, however, said their China facilities are operating as normal. The development […]