Fedez attacca Salvini: “Chiamava Cucchi un drogato, adesso magicamente Morisi diventa un amico da aiutare”

Read More 27 settembre 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/politica/fedez-attacca-salvini-chiamava-cucchi-un-drogato-adesso-magicamente-morisi-diventa-un-amico-da-aiutare/397153/397864&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> “Questa è la storia di un eroe contemporaneo: un uomo che ha sacrificato la sua vita a contrastare la piaga sociale delle droghe. Un uomo che andava in giro a citofonare a casa della gente chiedendo […]

Bennett ignored the Palestinian issue at the UN – and it will come back to bite him

Read More If Naftali Bennett really wanted to prove that his premiership was fundamentally different from Benjamin Netanyahu’s, his office should have announced that he wouldn’t be going to New York to speak at the UN General Assembly. Few major world leaders took the trouble this year; most made do with a prerecorded speech, and […]

Benjamin Netanyahu, the man who brought Iran to the nuclear threshold

Read More In March 2018, Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition faced a crisis, and the prime minister threatened to call an election that summer. In a hallway conversation, Yair Lapid accused opposition leader Isaac Herzog of not leveraging the crisis into an election. Herzog said something like: Drop it, it’s better for us not to have […]

Biden receives COVID Pfizer booster at White House

Post Content President Biden received his booster shot of the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID vaccine Monday at the White House, just days after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approved the third dose for Americans over 65, those with an underlying health condition and frontline […]

Biden losing America’s trust, polls show

Post Content Polls are showing that Americans are quickly losing their trust in President Biden. Recent polling data illustrates a wavering in Americans’ trust in the president, with the majority of adults in a recent Fox News poll not viewing Biden as a “strong leader.” In fact, only 45% of Americans view Biden as a […]