Police seek power to seize CCTV footage without warrant in bid to fight Arab crime

Read More The Justice Ministry is advancing a bill that would allow the police to confiscate footage from security cameras without a court order, saying they need wider enforcement powers to battle soaring crime rates in Arab communities. The police claim that in Arab communities security camera footage documenting criminal activity is often erased before […]

Stefanik proposes 9/11-style commission to examine US involvement in Afghanistan

Post Content EXCLUSIVE: House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik doubled down on her calls to establish a 9/11-style commission to examine the United States’ involvement in Afghanistan, after top Pentagon officials testified in both the House and Senate this week, raising more questions on the Biden administration’s “failed” withdrawal of U.S. military assets. Stefanik, R-N.Y., […]

Champions, diretta Juventus-Chelsea 0-0

Read More Seguici su: 1 minuti di lettura Edizioni locali Supplementi Repubblica Gedi News Network La Stampa Il Secolo XIX Gazzetta di Mantova Corriere delle Alpi Il mattino di Padova Il Piccolo La Nuova Venezia La Provincia Pavese La Sentinella del Canavese La Tribuna di Treviso Messaggero Veneto Periodici L’Espresso Le Scienze Limes Micromega National […]

Kabul, Università chiusa alle donne. La studentessa: “I talebani non ci possono fermare, l’Islam dice che l’istruzione è per tutti”

Read More “Non potete più varcare la soglia dell’Università”. Con questa frase, pronunciata da una guardia talebana, Sanam ed Alia, 23 e 24 anni, due studentesse di Legge, sono state respinte e mandate via dall’Ateneo che frequentavano a Kabul. “C’è un nuovo decreto del rettore: le donne non potranno più frequentare i corsi e insegnare”, […]

North Korea Joins Race for New Hypersonic Missile With Latest Test

Read More SEOUL—North Korea test-fired a newly developed hypersonic missile this week, state news media KCNA reported on Wednesday, joining a race headed by major military powers to deploy the advanced weapons system. North Korea fired the missile off its east coast towards the sea on Tuesday, South Korea’s military said, as Pyongyang called on […]