McConnell tells Biden that debt ceiling will not be raised by Republicans in December

Post Content Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has informed President Joe Biden that he, along with other Republican senators, will not vote to raise the debt ceiling in December should Democrats face “another avoidable crisis.” “Last night, Republicans filled the leadership vacuum that has troubled the Senate since January,” McConnell said in a letter to Biden, […]

Paralizzato da 7 anni: “Diffido la Asl, mi nega il suicidio assistito”

Read More ROMA – Sulle scrivanie dei ministri Roberto Speranza e Marta Cartabia c’è una lettera di diffida, per conoscenza comunicata anche al premier Mario Draghi. L’ha scritta l’avvocata Filomena Gallo, segretaria dell’associazione Luca Coscioni, in nome e per conto di Antonio, di cui è anche co-difensore. Perché la Asl delle Marche gli ha negato […]

Uptick in Afghan targeted killings of US allies has veterans groups concerned

Post Content For retired Green Berets like Matt Coburn who served 5 tours in Afghanistan, the war is not over. “Once everybody left on Aug 31st, we’ve been just trying to keep them alive,” Coburn said, referring to Afghan elite commandos who could not get through the Kabul airport gates. “The huge barrier we faced […]