NYC parent rips de Blasio for replacing gifted school program, says it’s ‘nonsense’

Post Content A New York parent is fighting back against Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plan to phase out the Gifted and Talented program at public elementary schools in the city. “It’s just nonsense,” FAIR, NYC Chapter Co-Chair Yiatin Chu told “America Reports” Tuesday. “The New York City gifted and talented program needs improvement and […]

Biden’s Gender Policy Council will tell agencies to consider how policies affect women

Post Content President Biden‘s Gender Policy Council is set to issue a federal directive instructing government agencies to establish gender equality as a priority when making policy decisions. The council, formed by the president in March, will issue the directive as early as this month and it will instruct agencies to consider any negative side […]

Mayorkas blames violence, ‘pent-up thirst for relief’ for migrant surge

Post Content Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is again blaming root causes in Central America and elsewhere for the migrant surge at the southern border — including a “pent up thirst for relief” from those making the journey north. Mayorkas was asked by Yahoo News why he thinks that border crossings are at a 20-year-high, […]

Di Battista torna in campo e prepara il suo partito. “Il fascismo? È la finanza”

Read More ROMA – Partirà da Siena, il ritorno in politica di Alessandro Di Battista. Partirà dalla città che è – secondo l’ex deputato M5S – il simbolo della malefatta peggiore che si starebbe compiendo in questi mesi: l’acquisizione del Monte dei Paschi da parte di Unicredit, presieduta dall’ex ministro dell’Economia dem Piercarlo Padoan. È […]