Afghanistan’s Taliban under threat from internal terrorist organization ISIS-K

Post Content It would be funny if it wasn’t so deadly serious. Erstwhile extremist group the Taliban, now running Afghanistan, is now dealing with its own terror threat: the Afghan offshoot of the Islamic State group, ISIS-K. They are turning into the biggest opponent of Taliban rule there and responsible for dozens of deadly attacks […]

Iran-Usa, sfida ad alta tensione. Il filmato della propaganda di Teheran

Read More 03 novembre 2021 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Il video della propaganda di Teheran mostra il duello ad altissimo rischio tra le forze dei due Paesi. Secondo l’Iran, gli americani hanno cercato di bloccare la petroliera – la grande nave di colore rosso – […]

At U.S request, Israel is using its Sudan ties to curb military coup

Read More The United States has asked Israel to use its ties with Sudan to lower the flames a week after the military coup in the African country, Israeli officials confirmed Wednesday. According to an Israeli source, Jerusalem is working to comply with the United States’ request to use its ties with the Sudanese military. […]

Climate justice begins with the human right to water

Read More The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) could not be more urgent or timely. The health of our planet and our very survival are at stake. How can we ensure that this meeting achieves real action that improves people’s lives in rich and poor countries alike?  More than empty political rhetoric, what we need […]