After two years of a hard pandemic that wiped out any financial gains South Africa had made and a revealing commission into state capture, the government’s responses took centre stage. In many instances, these were uninspiring and a letdown for the people of this beautiful land.
We saw bloodshed; a jobs annihilation; a health and justice system crumbling. We saw it all with little accountability. This makes sense, because some ministers either didn’t bother speaking up about their performance or simply informed the public that they were only answerable to the one and only president.
Ramaphosa did not have a strong showing either this year and 2022 will prove even more difficult for him as he battles for his seat at Luthuli House and to lead the nation.
(John McCann/M&G)
What this year has shown us, though, is that it’s easy for politicians to make grand plans, but the real work is much more difficult.
But, as combative and evasive as politicians may be, the Mail & Guardian will continue to hold a mirror before them so that they — and we — can reflect on their performance and ensure that we all hold the powerful who lead this country (wherever to) accountable.
Watch the reveal here if you missed it: