Philippines Imposes ‘No Vaccine, No Ride’ Policy on Manila’s Public Transportation

Read More The Philippine government on Jan. 12 imposed a “no vaccine, no ride” policy on public transportation in the country’s capital Metro Manila, following President Rodrigo Duterte’s order to arrest unvaccinated individuals who violate stay-at-home orders. The government had earlier placed Metro Manila, a region with a population of over 13 million, under Alert […]

Ramaphosa’s quick release of Zondo’s report a bold but dangerous move

Read More Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo’s findings are beautifully explained by Jeffery Reiman’s “Pyrrhic defeat” theory, criminologically exploring the state’s inability to take action against the monstrous crimes (the destruction of Sars, SAA and Eskom) of the rich and powerful by deflecting attention away from this behaviour to “conventional” crimes of the poor and […]

Protesters rally across UK against police and crime bill

Read More Protesters have taken to the streets in cities across the UK to rally against the police and crime bill, which is reaching its final stages in parliament. The police, crime, sentencing and courts bill, sections of which have been condemned by human rights activists as an attack on the right to protest, will […]

Tsunami warnings in South Pacific and US west coast after Tonga eruption

Read More Tsunami warnings are in place for several South Pacific nations, in western Alaska and along the California-Mexico border, after the eruption of an underwater volcano on Saturday. Waves were observed in Tonga’s capital and the capital of American Samoa, a US-based tsunami monitor said. In the US, the National Weather Service (NWS) said […]

Biden picks TV personality Star Jones to lead heritage board

Post Content close Video NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! President Biden has selected lawyer and television personality Star Jones Lugo to lead a U.S. government agency that identifies and protects sites of historic significance to the U.S. in Eastern Europe. The White House announced Friday that Jones will be the chair of […]

Allerta tsunami dopo l’eruzione del vulcano sottomarino: il momento in cui l’onda invade la costa

Read More <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> E’ scattato l’allarme tsunami in un’ampia area del Pacifico a seguito dell’eruzione del vulcano sottomarino Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai, vicino al regno di Tonga. I media nel regno polinesiano del Pacifico meridionale, costituito da più di 170 isole, la maggior parte delle quali disabitate, hanno riferito di onde […]

Covid Italia, bollettino del 15 gennaio: 180.426 nuovi casi e 308 morti

Read More Sono 180.426 i nuovi casi Covid in Italia, in leggero calo rispetto ai 186.253 di ieri e soprattutto i 197.552 di sabato scorso: si conferma il rallentamento registrato questa settimana. I tamponi sono stati 1.217.830, 85mila in più, tanto che il tasso di positività cala dal 16,4% al 14,8%. È quanto emerge dal […]