Oklahoma abortion bill is ‘extreme,’ ‘absurd,’ ‘ultra MAGA,’ White House says

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The White House condemned a new abortion bill that passed Oklahoma’s Legislature Thursday, calling the bill “extreme,” “absurd,” and “ultra MAGA.” The bill, H.B. 4327, would ban all abortions after the moment of conception except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the mother’s […]

Is Turkey Russia’s secret weapon inside NATO?

Post Content NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The authoritarian, Islamist leader of the Republic of Turkey delivered a shot in the arm to embattled Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin this week, by threatening to block the accession of Finland and Sweden to the NATO military alliance. Some observers believe Russian influence with Ankara […]

Terremoti: scossa di magnitudo 3.3 in provincia di Crotone

Read More Una scossa di magnitudo 3.3 è stata registrata dall’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia in provincia di Crotone. Il sisma è avvenuto alle 5:59 ad una profondità di 22 chilometri. Il comune più vicino all’epicentro è quello di Umbriatico, dove ieri sera era già stata registrata un’altra scossa da 2.1.

The Cat enters the ANC fray: David Mabuza speaks out

Read More Cat among the pigeons: David Mabuza has clearly not used up all his lives yet. Word is the former premier of Mpumalanga may run for another term as deputy president, which would put him on a collision course with other contenders. Photo: Alet Pretorius/Gallo Images ANC deputy president David Mabuza appears ready […]

Tucker Carlson tried to use Hunter Biden to get his son into Georgetown

Read More As Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for help getting his son into an elite Washington university in 2014, the Fox News host’s wife, Susie, reportedly wrote in an email: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!” Since the 2020 election, however, Carlson has fueled rightwing attacks on Joe […]

Spain braces for heat wave of ‘extraordinary intensity’

Read More Temperatures in parts of southern Spain are forecast to exceed 42C on Saturday as a heatwave of “extraordinary intensity” brings dusty skies, a heightened risk of forest fires and blistering conditions more usually seen in high summer than mid-May. The Spanish government activated its national plan for excess temperatures on Thursday evening after […]

US delegation to fly to UK over Northern Ireland tensions

Read More One of Joe Biden’s closest allies is due to arrive in London on Saturday as part of an influential US congressional delegation seeking to calm tensions over Northern Ireland. The nine-strong delegation includes Democratic and Republican delegates from the House of Representatives and Senate including members of the powerful ways and means committee […]

Estorsioni e raggiri a anziani, colpita banda internazionale

Read More Un’associazione a delinquere finalizzata al compimento di una pluralità di gravi reati come la circonvenzione di persone incapaci, estorsione, ricettazione e riciclaggio dei proventi illeciti è stata sgominata dai carabinieri del reparto operativo del Comando provinciale di Reggio Calabria e dall’Europol che hanno eseguito un’ordinanza di custodia cautelare emessa dal gip, su richiesta […]

Ardern Government Unveils Unprecedented Spending in 2022 Budget

Read More The New Zealand government has revealed its 2022 budget on May 19, with a focus on relieving cost-of-living and record health investment. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the government had set out to give people as much certainty and security as possible in the budget. “That is what we have set out to […]