Vaiolo delle scimmie, il timore: si è adattato e passa da uomo a uomo. “E’ la prima volta che si comporta così”
Read More Tre casi in due giorni solo a Roma: uno confermato, due in attesa del risultato dell’analisi sul virus. Il vaiolo delle scimmie non si era mai comportato così. Finora aveva colpito soprattutto viaggiatori provenienti dall’Africa, o al massimo i loro conviventi. Dal 14 maggio invece una ventina di pazienti in Gran Bretagna, Spagna, […]
‘How to lose a Knesset majority without really trying,’ starring: Naftali Bennett
Read More After the powerful shakeup the coalition experienced when its whip, MK Idit Silman, bolted, the party leaders assumed that the first two weeks of the Knesset summer session would decide the fate of the government. This seemed to be a reasonable assessment: If the ship rights itself, no one else will jump off, […]
Israel’s saber-rattling on Iran lacks one critical element
Read More It would be best to tone down the drums of war. Notwithstanding the aggressive declarations in the middle of the week, the raucous headlines and the reports of Israel conducting an exercise of unprecedented scale based on an attack against Iran, Israel and Iran are no closer to war than they have been […]
Pelosi warns changes to Northern Ireland protocol could affect US trade deal with Britain
Read More The US House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has warned that unilateral UK legislation affecting the Northern Ireland protocol could endanger British prospects for a free trade deal with the US. Pelosi’s bluntly worded intervention came two days after the UK foreign secretary, Liz Truss, confirmed that the government was planning to table legislation that […]
In 2 States, 1 in 20 Residents Missed During US Head Count
Around 1 in 20 residents in Arkansas and Tennessee were missed during the 2020 census, and four other U.S. states had significant undercounts of their populations which could shortchange them of federal funding in the current decade, according to figures from a survey.
L’Aquila, il papà del piccolo Tommaso: “Quella donna non ha colpa, siamo pronti ad abbracciarla. Ora il mio Tommy è un angelo”
Read More L’AQUILA -“È stata una fatalità, una disgrazia. La madre dei gemellini non c’entra nulla, non coviamo un senso di vendetta nei confronti di quella donna. Sarà disperata quanto noi, anche la sua vita in fondo è stata rovinata. Si vede che il Signore aveva bisogno di un angelo e ha scelto Tommaso”. Patrizio […]
Australian election: voters to go to polls in battle of ‘bulldozer’ and ‘builder’
Read More Australians head to the polls on Saturday with the opposition Labor party, led by Anthony Albanese, hoping to end nine years of conservative rule. The Liberal-National coalition government, headed by Scott Morrison, goes into the election with 75 MPs in the 151-seat House of Representatives, one short of the majority needed to govern […]
FDA Head: Baby Formula Factory Could Reopen by Next Week
The head of the Food and Drug Administration told lawmakers Thursday that a shuttered baby formula factory could be up and running as soon as next week, though he sidestepped questions about whether his agency should have intervened earlier to address problems at the plant.
Petraeus: “Guerra lunga. E Mosca ha già subito un danno irreversibile”
Read More NEW YORK – Non dobbiamo illuderci, la guerra in Ucraina diventerà guerra di posizione e sarà lunga. Ma il danno che deriverà per la Russia da questa avventura sarà irreversibile. David Petraeus, 37 anni nell’esercito Usa, leggendario generale/intellettuale americano ha le idee molto chiare. È di quei militari americani che piacevano a Oriana […]
Putin’s daughter flew to Munich ‘more than 50 times’, investigation suggests
Read More Since the start of his military campaign against Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has railed aggressively against pro-western Russians, whose appetite for European cuisine and climates he said meant “their mentality is there, not here, with our people”. Yet his own daughter’s enthusiasm for sojourns to western Europe at least matches that of the oligarch […]